HC Deb 06 July 1831 vol 4 cc799-800

Sir George Murray, in moving for a new Writ for the Borough of Reigate, in the place of the late Sir Joseph Yorke, said, be hoped the House would pardon him for saying a few words in praise of his late gallant friend. It was always unpleasant to recur to the death of a private friend, but it was lamentable on this occasion for him to do so, as his late gallant and hon. friend had not fallen a sacrifice to professional duty, but in the exercise of an "innocent and necessary recreation." Every one who heard him, knew that his late gallant friend had many claims on the memory of those who had sat with him in Parliament. His late gallant friend was eloquent and witty, and on many occasions, when Members were heated in debate, his humour and felicitous power of expression had restored them to that harmony which for a time had been forgotten. Into the great domestic loss of such a man, or into any regrets of private friendship, it would not suit the dignity of the House to enter; but whether his late gallant friend was considered either as a distinguished Naval Officer or one engaged in the civil service of his country, his loss must equally be deplored. He (Sir George Murray) had had much to do with the naval service of this country, and it was at all times satisfactory to him to bear honourable testimony to all who either had been or were now engaged in it.—The Writ ordered.

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