HC Deb 22 February 1831 vol 2 c875
Sir R. Inglis

brought up the Report of the Committee appointed to examine and pronounce upon the signatures to the Petition against the return of Lord A. Hill, and the Report declaring that fourteen out of the thirty signatures were forgeries, and had been forged by J. M. Eccleston, and Hutcheson Posnett; the hon. Member moved, That the House concur in the Resolutions of the Committee.

Lord Althorp

suggested, that it might be, perhaps, better to wait for the Report of the Election Committee, which was that night appointed, He merely threw this out for the consideration of the hon. Baronet, the Select Committee having positively decided upon the question.

Sir R. Inglis

observed, that it was not certain the Election Committee would at all meddle with the question.

Sir R. Peel

said, the case under consideration was a Breach of Privilege, and perfectly distinct, from the question to be decided by the Election Committee. He thought the distinction ought to be strictly observed.

Mr. C. W. Wynn

did not wish an opinion to go abroad, that it was not in the power of an Election Committee to entertain such questions, but did not deem it advisable to refer it to the Election Committee in the present instance, the House having already declared its own decision, through its Select Committee?. The best way would be, to defer the consideration of this Motion, in order to give Members the opportunity of weighing it with deliberation.

The discussion adjourned to March 6th.

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