§ New Writs. For Saltash, in the room of Mr. GREGSON, and for Ashburton, in the room of the Right Hon. C. ARBUTHNOT, both these gentlemen having accepted the Chiltern Hundreds.
§ Bills were ordered to be brought in, to carry into effect the Resolution of the Committee of Ways and Means, and for altering the Game-Laws, and for preventing the abuse of Corporation Funds (Ireland). A Bill to Amend the Laws relating to Apprentices in Cotton Manufactures, was read a first time.
§ Returns ordered. On the Motion of Mr. HUME, of the Establishment of the Royal Marines, with the pay and allowance of each class, and a statement of the contingent expenses of every kind, showing the total expenditure for the past year, on account of that corps:—On the Motion of Mr. ALDERMAN THOMPSON, the Official Value of Goods warehoused in the Port of London, for the years 1825, 1826, 1827, 1828, 1829, and 1830; and an account of the Goods actually in the bonded warehouses in the Port of London, on the 5th January, 1831, distinguishing the places where deposited, and quantities at each.
§ Petitions presented. In favour of Emancipating the Jews, by Lord J. RUSSELL., from the Dissenters of the three 625 denominations. For Reform, by Lord G. BENTINCK, from King's Lynn:—By Mr. C. TYRELL, from Mansfield: —By Mr. T. DUNCOMBE, from Hertford, and from Lug-gershall:—By Mr. SLANEY, from Thornton, Lonsdale, and Great Bedwell: —By Sir W. INGILEY, from the Island of Axholme:—By Lord J. RUSSELL, from Monmouth, Lyme Regis, Lymington, and Newport (Monmouthshire), and from Huntingdon, for a Repeal of the Assessed Taxes. By Lord BRARAZON, from Dublin, for a Repeal of the Union. By Sir C. COOTE, from Queen's County, against the Grant to the Kildare street Society. By Mr. N. CALVERT, from Hitchin and Hishop Stortford, for a Repeal of the Coal Duties. By Mr. Alderman WINCHESTER, from the Churchwardens and Vestry of St. Martin's-in-the-Fields, against the Vestry Bill for the Abolition of Slavery, by Mr. HUME, from North Berwick: — By Colonel DAVIES, from Worcester. By Lord L. GOWER, from Wick, against Oaths; and from Galway, on the subject of the Kelp Trade: —By Sir. S. RICE, from Limerick, for a Repeal of the Malt Tax; and from Galway, for an extension of the Elective Franchise.