O'Gorman Mahonpresented a petition from Protestant inhabitants of the parish of Ballindooley, in the county of Galway, for an Extension of the Gal way Franchise. The hon. Member complained, that even yet Catholics could take no degrees in the Universities of Ireland unless they were hypocrites or denied their religion. The hon. Member also took occasion to observe, that he found it impossible to approve of some of the recent acts of the Irish Government-acts which had reduced the country to a state more alarming than Gentlemen in that House could have any notion of. He gave notice of his intention to move, to-morrow, for copies of proclamations issued by Lords Lieutenants of Ireland since the pissing of the Act for the suppression of Illegal Meetings and Associations; also for a copy of the Letter addressed by the present Chief Secretary for Ireland to the Magistracy on the subject.
§ Mr. Spring Riceobserved, that his right hon. friend, the Chief Secretary for Ireland, would not be in his place to-morrow, and requested the hon. member for Clare to postpone his notice, till his right hon. friend's arrival.
O'Gorman Mahonhad no desire to do anything calculated to militate against the Chief Secretary for Ireland, especially in the right hon. Gentleman's absence; nevertheless, he thought it incumbent upon him not to lose a single moment in pressing upon the House the frightful condition of Ireland; the rather, as the people of this country appeared as ignorant of its affairs as of the state of Kamschatka.