HC Deb 07 February 1831 vol 2 c206

Mr. Guest, in presenting a petition from Merthyr Tydville, in Glamorganshire, praying for Reform, took occasion to read to the House the following comparative estimate of Representation: —In the county of Sussex, which returns twenty Members, the population amounts to 237,700; and the Representatives are, therefore, as one to every 11,800 persons. In the county of Dorset, which returns also twenty Members, the population amounts to 147,000, and the Representatives are as one to 7,000 persons. In all England, the number of Representatives was 513, and the population 12,218,000, being one Representative to every 23,000 electors. In Glamorganshire, which returns only two Members, the population amounts to 105,000, making one Representative to every 52,000 persons. Taking it in another way, the county of Sussex possessed property, according to the returns of the Property-tax, of the annual value of 913,560l. and there was, therefore, a Representative for every 48,000l. of property. In Dorset the annual value of the property is 698,000l., and there was one Representative for every 34,000l. But in Glamorganshire the annual value is 334,000l., and there was but one Representative for every 167,000l. Glamorganshire, too, although it is of greater extent, and possesses a greater annual value and population than either Westmorland, Monmouth, Bedford, Huntingdon, or Rutland, has only one county Member, although they have two each.

Petition to be printed.