§ Bills brought in. To authorize the exchange of Ecclesiastical Lands; to amend the Laws relating to Sewers; to amend the Bankrupt Laws.
§ Committee re-appointed. To inquire into the Commercial state of the West Indies.
§ Returns ordered. On the Motion of Mr. SPENCE, the Fees received by the Clerks of the Court of Chancery for three years past, distinguishing the sum each received for the taxation of Costs, and stating the largest amount ever received for the taxation of one Bill:—On the Motion of Mr. WILLIAM BROUGHAM, the amount of Fees received for the last three years for Office Copies of Ancient Records kept in the Tower, the Rolls Chapel, the Chapter House, &c.:—On the Motion of Mr. HUNT, the number of Persons confined in Prison for Smuggling in the United Kingdom; specifying the Offence for which each Prisoner was convicted, and the amount of each Fine in which he was condemned; stating, if Married, the amount or number of each Person's Family kept by the Parishes, and to what Parishes they belong:—On the Motion of Mr. BERTRAM EVANS, the Stamps used by the Newspapers and other Publications for the last ten years; all the Stamps issued to the London and Provincial Papers in the year 1830; the number of Newspapers received from, and sent to the Colonies; and the number and amount of those transmitted through the Clerks and Agents of the General Post Office.
§ Petitions presented. By Mr. L. HODGES, from Ramsgate, praying that the Inhabitant Householders of that Town might have Votes for the Borough of Sandwich; by Mr. SPENCE, from John Cartman, for an alteration of the Law relative to the Concealment of the Birth of Children; and from the Breeders of Horses, to render unnecessary all General Warranties.