§ New Writ ordered for the Borough of Leo-minister in the room of THOMAS BRAYEN, Esq., who had accepted the Chiltern Hundreds.
§ Bill brought in. Read a first time; to provide payment for Outstanding Lottery Tickets.
§ Returns ordered. On the Motion of Sir FRANCIS BURDETT, the Parochial Rates, Taxes, and Assessments, paid by the Inhabitants of St. James's Westminster:—On the Motion of Mr. HUNT, the number, &c. of the Yeomanry force of England and Wales:—On the Motion of Mr. Alderman WOOD, the number of Acres of Laud under the Cultivation of Hops, in the year I831, distinguishing the Parishes, and the amount of the duties on Hops, for the same year, distinguishing the old from the new duty:—On the Motion of Sir JOHN BURKE, of Fines levied on Jurors for non-attendance or other causes, during the last five years in Ireland. On the Motion of Mr. MABERLY, of all Hemp, Flax, and Linen yarn, the produce of Foreign Countries exported, and imported, during the year 1831; the same for the produce of Ireland; an Account of all British Linen cloth exported, and imported, from different parts of the United Kingdom to Foreign Countries, and the amount for Home consumption, with an account of the Bounty paid upon exportation, and the amount of duties paid upon foreign Hides imported.
§ Petitions presented. By Lord MORPETH, from Martin stapylton, praying the House, that in any Reform which might pass into a Law, there might be included an Enactment to prohibit any person from taking his seat in that House, who should be, directly or indirectly, by himself or friend, guilty of any act of Bribery; and from the Landowners of Northallerton and its vicinity, praying that the county of York might not be included in the provisions of the General Registration Bill. By Mr. JOHN WOOD, from Persons in Birmingham, for the new Beer-shops to be placed on the same footing as Licensed Public-houses. By the ATTORNEY-GENERAL, to the same effect, from Nottingham. By Mr. LABOUCHERE, for the abolition of the Duty on Soap.