HC Deb 15 August 1831 vol 6 c7

Returns ordered. On the Motion of Mr. HUME, the official and real value of all British Exports to France in each year since 1814, distinguishing Colonial produce; also, an account of the official value of all Imports from France during the same period:—On the Motion of Mr. COURTENAY, the Treasury Minute respecting Superannuation allowances.

Petitions presented. By Mr. HUME, from the Inhabitants of Uxbridge, praying that they may be exempted from the Duty on Coals; from George Ingram, for an amendment of the Law relating to Debtors; and from the Journeymen Coal Measure Makers, for compensation if the Bill should pass; from certain Individuals, in favour of the Hackney Coaches Bill. By Sir RICHARD MUSGRAVE, from the Roman Catholic Clergy and Laity of the parish of Seskinane, against any further Grant to the Kildare Street Society.