§ On the Motion of Lord Althorp 1103 the House went into Committee on the Duchess of Kent's Annuity Bill.
Mr. Humebegged to know from the noble Lord, whether he had it in contemplation to make a provision, that the allowance of 10,000l., granted for the maintenance of the Princess Victoria, should revert to the public in case of her decease?
§ Lord Althorpsaid, that in the Bill, and the Resolution upon which it was founded, the allowance was stated to be for the honourable maintenance and education of the Princess Victoria; and he conceived, therefore, the effect of that provision to be, that the allowance would cease, in case of the decease of her royal highness.
Mr. Humethen asked, whether, if his present Majesty should have any children, that would make any difference? as the Princess Victoria would then cease to be the presumptive heiress to the throne.
§ Lord Althorpsaid, that was a point which had not been taken into consideration, but if the hon. Gentleman would permit the Committee to proceed now, the subject should be considered, and the result stated, when the report was brought up.
§ The Bill went through the Committee, and the House resumed.