HC Deb 06 August 1831 vol 5 cc880-1
Lord Althorp

said, before the House proceeded to business, he wished most earnestly to request, that the hon. Baronet opposite (Sir R. Vyvyan), would not then bring forward his motion for the production of certain papers relative to the negotiations concerning Belgium, of which he had given notice. Under existing circumstances, it would be hardly consistent with the duty of his Majesty's Ministers to enter at present into the discussion of such a subject; and in consequence of the news which had been only that morning received from Paris, it would prove in the highest degree embarrassing and inconvenient. He had not had time to confer with more than one or two of his colleagues on the subject of the hon. Baronet's motion, and, therefore, could not avail himself of the counsels of the Cabinet generally, on matters which the hon. Baronet must perceive would require mature deliberation. He gave the hon. Baronet full credit for the rectitude of his motives, and was quite sure, that it was his sincere intention not to embarrass the public business of the country, by unnecessary or premature discussion; but he still saw reason to apprehend, that his observations on moving for those papers, might be eventually productive of detriment to the interests of the State. In saying thus much, he was merely expressing his own individual opinion; for, as he had already mentioned, he had not had an opportunity of communicating with his colleagues on the subject.

Sir Richard Vyvyan

confessed, he found himself placed in an awkward position by the appeal of the noble Lord, for he certainly should be the last man in the House, wilfully to expose the Government to embarrassment, either by his observations, or by a demand for information. It had been his intention, when he first resolved on bringing forward this subject, to make a less limited motion than that which it was his purpose on this occasion to offer to the consideration of the House. He should certainly, under the present circumstances, not touch upon any subject which had not been already made known to the public, and he trusted, accordingly, that he should not produce any of that detriment to the interests of the nation, which the noble Lord seemed to apprehend. The country, however, might soon be involved in war; the news of that morning from Paris only made the case still stronger; and, fearing that Ministers were about to place England in a position which might be prejudicial to her best interests, he felt it his bounden duty to lose no time in submitting his motion to the House. He was sorry, therefore, that he could not comply with the request of the noble Lord.

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