HC Deb 04 August 1831 vol 5 cc733-4

The Report of the Committee on the Petition against the late return at the Coleraine Election was presented. It declared, that Sir John W. H. Brydges had been unduly elected for that Borough; that WILLIAM TAYLOR COPELAND, Esq., was, therefore, the sitting Member; and that the Petition of the said WILLIAM TAYLOK COPELAND, was not frivolous nor vexatious.—Returns amended accordingly. Mr. BARING WALL took his seat as Member for Weymouth and Melcombe Regis.—The report of the Committee on the King's Message, relative to the allowance to the Princess Victoria, was brought up.—The Resolution for granting 10,000l. per annum to the Princess was agreed to, and a Bill for that purpose ordered to be brought in.

Bills brought in. By Mr. SPRING RICE, to equalize the Duties on Wine, and to defray the Charges of Disembodied Militia.

Returns ordered. On the Motion of Mr. D. W. HARVEY, of the quantity of Land, number of Houses, nature of the tenure, and amount of Rent; Money in the Funds, on Mortgage, or other securities; unimprovable Rents, and other charges, distinguishing their amounts; Ecclesiastical presentations and Scholarships; deductions for Land Tax, Parochial Disbursements, and the number of Endowed Schools, arranged under the head of Counties, with all other particulars, so far as they can be collected, of the Charitable Institutions:—On the Motion of Lord GRANVILLE SOMERSET, an account of the number of Houses in several towns, specified in schedule F of the Reform Bill, distinguishing the Rates as assessed to the inhabited House Duty; a similar return for the towns of Swansea, Loughon, Neath, Aberavon, and Ken Fig, Abergavenny, Monmouth, Chepstow, and Usk, distinguishing the different Boroughs and Townships; also, an account of the Assessed Taxes paid for each of the towns, in the county of Monmouth, as above, during the last three years:—On the Motion of Mr. PROTHEROE, of the amount of British, Colonial, and Foreign Spirits, which paid Duty for home consumption, from 1821 to 1830, inclusive, and of the quantities of the same, used in the Army and Navy, which paid no Duty:—On the Motion of Mr. ATTWOOD, the quantities and descriptions of Wines upon which any Duties, in addition to those imposed by Law, had been demanded or received, from the 20th of July last to the present time, and the amount of Duties so demanded or received.

Petitions presented. By Sir JAMES WILLIAMS, from Owners and Occupiers of Land, Hundred of Derllis, Carmarthen, praying that Land-owners may be placed on the same footing as 10l. Householders, with regard to returning Members to Parliament. By Mr. BUCK, from the Freemen of Exeter, praying they may not be deprived of their privileges of returning Members; and from the Corporation and Inhabitants of the same place, for an amelioration of the Criminal Laws. By Mr. WILBRAHAM, from Cotton Manufacturers of Disley, in favour of the Cotton Factories Apprentices Bill; and from the Magistrates, Clergy, and others, of Stockport, for the amendment of the Beer Act. By Mr. PROTHEROE, from the Roman Catholic Prelate and Clergy, of the district of Galway, and the Protestant Freemen and Inhabitants of St. Nicholas, Galway, for equalizing Civil Rights; and from the Roman Catholic Inhabitants of Rosscarbery, and Kilkeranmore, against any further Grants to the Kildare Street Society. By Mr. SPENCER, from the Attornies of Berwickshire, for Repeal of Stamp Duties on Attornies Certificates; and from Mr. DUNCOMBE, from Inhabitants of Llanerehymedd, to return a Member in conjunction with Boroughs in Anglesea.