HC Deb 03 August 1831 vol 5 cc723-4

Resolution for the Repeal of the Excise Duty on Candles reported.

Mr. Goulbourn

begged to ask the hon. Gentleman opposite, whether the duty on slates had been taken into consideration. He had personally suggested, that the duties on slates and tiles ought to be placed on an equal footing.

Mr. Spring Rice

, in reply to the hon. Gentleman, begged to state, that the subject was still under discussion. He was aware, that complaints had been made from several places, that the duties were unequal, and it had been referred to the proper quarters to ascertain the exact amount of revenue, that would be lost by the removal of the tile duties. There was every wish to afford relief.

Mr. Goulburn

hoped his right hon. friend would remember, that the tile-trade had been materially injured by the partial removal of the slate duty. He could assure the hon. Gentleman, that in the neighbourhood in which he lived, slate could be had cheaper after land-carriage of thirteen miles, than tiles made on the spot.