HC Deb 12 November 1830 vol 1 c426

The House, in a Committee of Supply, voted 5,255,5281. to make good the sum voted in the last Session of Parliament.

Returns ordered. On the Motion of Mr. GUEST, various Accounts of the quantity of Iron imported into, and exported from, the United Kingdom, in the year 1829:—On the Motion of Mr. ELLIS, of the Money paid on account of the Savings Banks, and on account of the Reduction of the National Debt, by terminable Annuities:—On the Motion of Mr. JEPHSON, the Contract Prices at Kilmainham Hospital, from the earliest period at which they could be made out:—On the Motion of Mr. SPRING RICE, the Expense incurred in taking the last Census for Ireland.

Petitions presented. From J. Ingram Lockart, complaining of the return for the City of Oxford:—From John R. Deene and Henry Shirley, complaining of the return for Winchilsea:—By Mr. H. SUMNER, from Hylton Joliffe, Esq., complaining of an undue return for the County of Surrey. By Sir J. BOURKE, from Fish Curers and other persons interested in the Fisheries in Ireland, praying for a continuance of the bounty. For the abolition of Slavery, by Mr. C. DUNDAS, two from Berkshire:—By Sir R. VIVYAN, fifty from Cornwall:—By Mr. HODGSON, from Cheltenham:—By Mr. EGERTON, from Stockport:—By Colonel DAVIES, twenty-one from Worcestershire:—By Mr. GUEST, from Devonshire:—By Mr. HODGES, from Canterbury:—By Mr. E. B. CLIVE, four from Herefordshire:—By Lord ALTHORP, twelve from Northampton, and one from the neighbourhood of Russell-square:—By Mr. SANDPORD, five from Somersetshire:—By Mr. WILKS, from Birmingham, Lancaster, and Crouch End:—By Mr. CURTEIS, three from Sussex:—By Mr. DUNDAS, two from Yorkshire:—By Sir R. PRICE, three from Herefordshire:—By Sir R. HERON, thirteen from Hampshire and other places:—By Mr. SCHONSWAR, two from Hull:—By Sir W. GUISE, five from Gloucestershire:—By Mr. BETHELL, from the West Riding of Yorkshire:—By Mr. LAWLEY, from Alcester and Stratford-upon-Avon:—By Mr. TYRRELL, three from Essex:—By Mr. JOHN WOOD, from Kirkham:—By Mr. BENETT, eight from Wiltshire. By the same hon. Member, from Hindon, for the repeal of the Malt Duties. By Mr. LEADER, from the Inhabitants of Athlone, for the Emancipation of the Jews. By Mr. O'CONNELL, from the Parish of Kilmore, in the County of Wexford, complaining of Distress, and praying for the Repeal of the Legislative Union of Great Britain and Ireland.