HC Deb 10 November 1830 vol 1 c351

Returns ordered. On the Motion of Mr. M. A. TAYLOR, an Account of the number of Cases, Exceptions, further Directions, Picas, and Demurrers, entered for argument before the Vice-Chancellor and Master of the Rolls, on the first day of each Michaelmas Term in 1827–28–29 and 30; and also the number of Cases, &c remaining on each of those days before the same Judges.

Petitions presented. For the abolition of Slavery, principally from Protestant Dissenting Congregations, by Mr. DENMAN, from sixty-seven places in Nottinghamshire:— By Sir JAMES CARNEGIE, from Aberdeen:—By Sir G. PONSONBY, two from Youghall:—By Mr. WRIGHTSON, from Hull:—By Mr. ORMSBY GORE, from Carnarvon:— By Mr. FOLEY, from Stourport:—By Lord F. OSBORNE, from Wisbeach:—By Mr. JAMES BROUGHAM, from Down-ton; and two other places in Wiltshire:—By Mr. C. W. WYNN, from Welsh Pool; and another place in Montgomeryshire:— By Mr. FORRESTER, from Broseley;—By Mr. BRISCOE, from Croydon, Guildford, Tunbridge Wells, Sheerness, and eleven other places in Surrey and Kent:— By Mr. ADEANE, from Wisbeach; and seven other places: —By Sir E. KNATCHBULL, from Margate: — By Mr. HODGES, two from Greenwich:— By Mr. W. WHITMORE, from Kidderminster:—By Sir J. MACKINTOSH, from the Protestant Dissenting Ministers in London, Westminster, and the neighbourhood:—By Sir G. ROBINSON, from Northampton: —By Mr. J. WOOD, from Preston and Sal-ford:—By Mr. STEWART, nine from Bedfordshire:—By Admiral SOTHERON, three from Nottinghamshire:—By Mr. HUGHES HUGHES, from Oxford:—By Mr. BRAUMONT, four from the County of Northumberland:—By Mr. WILKS, from Shaftesbury, Stepney, and Ponder's End: —By Mr. SYKES, from a place in Yorkshire: — By Sir J. GRAHAM, eighteen from Cumberland, and eleven from Westmoreland:—By Mr. LABOUCHERE, from Taunton and Fal-wood:—By Lord BELGRAVE, from Macclesfield: —By Mr. LONG WELLESLEY, from Chelmsford:—By Mr. PENDARVIS, from ninety-six places in Cornwall (96 Petitions). Against the Annual Grant to the Society for the Education of the Poor (Ireland), by Mr. A. DAWSON, from Tuam.