§ Mr. Brougham,in moving for leave to bring in this Bill, said, that having last Session so fully explained its nature, object, and provisions, he did not feel he should now be wanting in due respect to the House, or liable to the charge of indifference to the great cause of legal reform, if he abstained from entering on the subject generally, and avoided touching upon principles, reasons, and details. Last Session the Bill was allowed to be brought in, read a first and second time, and committed, upon the understanding that it was to proceed no further that year. Now, he wanted to be admitted to bring it through the same stages in such a manner that it might be carried in a reasonable time, and at such a period of the Session, that it would not be impossible for it to receive the sanction of the other House before the breaking up of Parliament. There were so many matters of a nature more urgent, and of at least equal importance, before the House, that he should not press for the second reading and committal of the Bill before Christmas. He should, however, expect that after that period there would be no delay.