HC Deb 09 November 1830 vol 1 cc330-1
Mr. Brougham

rose to complain of the extraordinary waste of time which had been consumed in these irrelevant discussions. He was sorry to say that, during the present Session, he had heard language used every day in that House which he was sure would not be tolerated in any other house in the metropolis. He seldom came into the House without hearing the lie bandied, more or less directly, from one side of it to the other. Now if it were of importance for them to preserve the dignity of their proceedings, they ought to put a stop to such conduct. Conceiving the present discussion to be closed, he would now take the liberty of asking the hon. Secretary for the Colonies whether he would have any objection to postpone the introduction of his bill, to render slave evidence admissible in the colonies until after he (Mr. Brougham) had brought forward his Motion on West-India slavery?

Mr. O'Connel

rose to reply—but the Speaker decided that he had no right to reply.

Mr. O'Connell

said, that he would speak, then, in explanation.

The Speaker

—The hon. Member will be good enough to confine himself strictly to explanation.

Mr. O'Connell

—All he had to say was this,—namely, that the personalities had been commenced against him, and not by him. He appealed to those around him if this were not the fact.

Sir G. Murray

(in reply to Mr. Brougham) consented to postpone his Motion, of which he had given notice, with regard to slave-evidence in the colonies.