HC Deb 28 May 1830 vol 24 cc1201-2
Mr. W. Duncombe

presented a Petition from the Deep-Sea Fishermen and Fish-curers of the North Riding of Yorkshire, praying for a continuation of the Bounties on Fishing. He hoped the President of the Board of Trade (whom he saw in his place) would be able to state that he meant to give the industrious class, whose petition he had presented, the protection and encouragement they prayed for.

Mr. Herries

said, that on a former occasion he had stated, that he was well aware of the importance of the Deep-Sea Fishery, and that the Government had determined to take the subject into consideration. He had stated at the time that there were great difficulties belonging to it, and that he saw no reason to encourage the hopes of those who asked for the continuance of the bounty. After consulting with the other branches of the Government, particularly that branch of it which regulated the finances, he was prepared to state that it was not the intention of the Government again to propose the continuance of the bounty on the taking and curing fish. It would be his duty shortly to introduce a bill to continue, for a limited time, that part of the establishment which had for its object the marking, and assorting, the cured fish. The utility of continuing that for some time longer was admitted, but beyond that he must say, that it was not the intention of his Majesty's Government to propose any further encouragement for the fishery,

Sir R. Vyvyan

was exceedingly sorry to hear that such was the determination of his Majesty's Government. If there were one branch of industry which was an exception to the doctrine, that bounties ought not to be given, it was the fishery.

Mr. W. Smith

was understood to say that the bounty of 1s. might be useful, but not the bounty of 4s. The branding and marking was, he believed, a useful part of the establishment.

Mr. Pendarvis

agreed with his hon. colleague in expressing regret at hearing the determination of his Majesty's Government. There was a vast deal of capital employed in the Fisheries, which would be injured by that determination.

Mr. W. Duncombe

also expressed his regreat the determination of the Government, which would throw a number of industrious people out of employment.

The Petition was read and ordered to be printed.