HC Deb 20 May 1830 vol 24 c869

The CHANCELLOR of the EXCHEQUER obtained leave to bring in a Bill to amend the Church-Building Act. Mr. H. MAXWELL obtained leave to bring in a Bill to regulate the applotment of County Rates and Cesses in Ireland, in certain cases. The ATTORNEY GENERAL obtained leave to bring in a Bill to repeal so much of the Act of 60 Geo. III. cap. 8, s. 4, as relates to the Sentence of Banishment for the second offence, and provide some further remedy against the abuse of publishing Libels. Lord MORPETH obtained leave to bring in a Bill for the purpose of appointing a Commission to inquire into the best method of shortening the road between London and Edinburgh.

Petitions presented. Against the assimilation of Stamp Duties (Ireland), by Mr. FITZGIBBON, from John F. Fitzgerald, High Sheriff of the County of Limerick:—By Sir J. NEWPORT, from Waterford, and from the Manufacturers of St. Michan, Dublin:—And by Mr. S. RICE, from the Inhabitants of Limerick. Against the Sale of Beer Bill, by Mr. BARING, from the Inhabitants of Thetford. For a better mode of passing Sheriff's Accounts, by Sir W. HERON, from W. A. Johnson, Esq. Sheriff of Lincoln. For a Repeal of Assessed Taxes, by Lord ALTHORP, from Persons in the County of Northampton. Complaining of Distress, by Mr. DUNCOMBE, from certain Persons residing in Yorkshire. For the Repeal of the Parish Vestries Act (Ireland), by Mr. O'CONNEL from the Inhabitants of Bandon and Douglass. For introducing Poor-Laws into Ireland, by Lord CASTLEREAGH, from the Vestry of Saintfield (Down). For the abolition of the Punishment of Death for Forgery, by Mr. C. DAVENPORT, from Shaftesbury. For the Admission of Foreign Grain in Bond to be ground into Flour, by Lord CASTLEREAGH, from the Inhabitants of Belfast. Against the Renewal of the East India Company's Charter, by Mr. K. DOUGLAS, from the Inhabitants of Annan; from the Incorporated Trades of Dumfries; and from the Royal Burgh of Dumfries. Against the Payment by Merchant Seamen of 6d. per Month to Greenwich Hospital, by Mr. LEYCESTER, from G. W. Butler, and the Seamen of Poole. For the Abolition of Slavery, by Lord MILTON, from Dissenters at Pickering:—And by Mr. SYKES, from Kingston-upon-Hull.