HC Deb 17 May 1830 vol 24 c760

Lord PALMERSTON, as Chairman of the Rye Election Committee, reported to the House that Philip Pusey, Esq. was not elected for that Borough, and ought not to have been returned, and that Colonel De Lacy Evans had been duly elected, and ought to have been returned. The Deputy Clerk of the Crown ordered to attend and amend the Return. The CHANCELLOR of the EXCHEQUER brought in a Bill to authorise the issue of a certain Sum in Exchequer Bills, for the purpose of paying off those persons who had dissented to the conversion of Four per Cent Stock into a Stock of another denomination, which was read a first time. The Parish Watching and Lighting Bill was read a third time and passed.

Petitions presented. Against the increase of Stamp Duties on Newspapers, by Mr. H. HUTCHINSON, from the Inhabitants of Cork; and from the Letter-press Printers of Cork:—By Mr. HUSKISSON, from the Letter-press Printers of Liverpool:—By the Earl of BELFAST, from the Inhabitants of Belfast:—By Mr. RICKFORD, from the Inhabitants of Cashell:—By Mr. COOTE, from the Inhabitants of Clonmel:—And by Captain WEMYSS, from the Inhabitants of Forfarshire. For the improvement of the Law relative to Landlord and Tenant, by Mr. OTWAY CAVE, from Leicester. For the Abolition of Slavery, by Lord MILTON, from Protestant Dissenters at Stainland. Against the Sale of Beer Bill, by Lord CLIVE, from the Magistrates of Ludlow. Against the Truck System, by praying that nothing might be done to make paying Rent by Instalments illegal, by Lord STANLEY, from the Cotton Spinners of Manchester. In favour of the Emancipation of the Jews, by Mr. P. THOMSON, from the Freeholders and Inhabitants of Margate:—By Mr. HUME, from Uxbridge:—By Sir H. PARNELL, from Canterbury:—By Lord MILTON, from Sheffield and its Vicinity:—By Mr. C. CAVENDISH, from Clergymen and Members of the Established Church at Cambridge:—By Mr. B. CARTER, from a great number of respectable Inhabitants of Portsmouth:—By Mr. LAWLEY, from Birmingham:—By Sir G. PHILLIPS, from Manchester:—By Mr. RUMBOLD, from Great Yarmouth:—By Sir R. WILSON, from Norwood, Surrey:—By Mr. O'CONNELL, from Clontarf, near Dublin; and from certain Inhabitants of Dublin:—By Mr. BENETT, from the Inhabitants of Warminster and Woolwich:—By Mr. MARSHALL, from Lewis:—And by Mr. PENDARVIS, from Falmouth. Against the renewal of the East India Company's Charter, by Mr. H. CAVENDISH, from New Mills, Peafield, and Glossop:—And by Captain WEMYSS, From Forfarshire. Against the Punishment of Death for Forgery, by Lord STANLEY, from the Chamber of Commerce of Manchester:—And by Mr. O. CAVE, from Leicester. Complaining of Distress, by Mr. BROWNLOW, from a Society for the Improvement of Ireland. For the amendment of the Marriage Laws, by Mr. O. CAVE, from Chichester. Against the practice of Imprisonment for Debt, by Lord ALTHORP, from Joseph Townshend Holman. In favour of the Liability of Landlords Bill, by Mr. LAWLEY, from the Overseers of Coleshill:—And by Lord STANLRY, from the Overseers of Barton-upon-Irwell. Against allowing the use of Machinery, by Mr. LIDDELL, from the Journeymen Paper-makers of Durham. Against the proposed alteration in the Spirit Duties, by Mr. JEPHSON, from the Inhabitants of Drisbane:—By Captain WEMYSS, from the Landed Proprietors of Berwick and Forfarshire:—And by Sir J. SEBRIGHT, from the Landowners of Royston. Against the Administration of Justice Bill, by Mr. HUSKISSON, from the Attornies of Liverpool:—And by Mr. LAWLEY, from the Chamber of Commerce, Birmingham. Against allowing Tobacco to be Cultivated in the United Kingdom, by Mr. HUSKISSON, from the Tobacco Manufacturers of Liverpool. For Parliamentary Reform, by Mr. O'CONNELL, from the London Association of Radical Reformers.