HC Deb 13 May 1830 vol 24 c672

Returns ordered. On the Motion of Sir J. WROTTESLEY, Money due to the Bank of England on account of the Annuity purchased under the 4 Geo. IV; c. 22:—Places where Joint Stock Banks have been established under the 7 Geo. IV.c. 46:—On the Motion of Lord SANDON, the number of applications made to the Commissioners for Building Churches under the 7 and 8 Geo. IV.c. 72, and the number granted:—On the Motion of Mr. D. W. HARVEY, of the amount of Fees received during the last seven years in the office of his Majesty's Auditor of Crown Property, distinguishing the amount received in each year, the scale of charges, and how applied:—Of the amount of Fees received during the last seven years in the office of his Majesty's Surveyor General of the Land-revenue, distinguishing the amount received in each year, the scale of charges, and how applied:—On the Motion of Mr. Hums, of the number of each class of Noncommissioned Officers and Privates of the Artillery, Sappers and Miners, and others belonging to and pensioned by the Ordnance Department, stating the amount of the Pensions of each, and the aggregate amount of these Pensions in 1829.

Petitions presented. In favour of the Jews Relief Bill, by Mr. C. GRANT, from the Inhabitants of Brighton:—By Mr. KEMP, from the Jews of the same place:—By the Earl of SURREY, from the Inhabitants of Worksop:—And by Mr. W. SMITH, from the Inhabitants of Norwich. Against the increase of Duties on Home-made Spirits, by Mr. KENNEDY, from the Commissioners of Police, Leith:—And by Lord KILLEEN, from the Landlords of the Parishes united to Skryne. Against the Duty on Coals carried Coastwise, by Sir T. D. ACLAND, from the Inhabitants of Newport and Bishopstawton, of Newton Abbott, and Newton Bushell, and of Chudleigh. Against the increased Stamp Duties (Ireland), by the Earl of BELFAST, from the Newspaper Proprietors of Belfast:—By Mr. O'CONNELL, from the Letter-press Printers of Dublin; and from the Merchants and others of Dublin. Against the Administration of Justice Bill, by Sir C. GREVILLE, from the Inhabitants of Warwick. For a Commutation of Tithes, by Colonel CRADDOCK, from the Inhabitants of Wycliffe Hutton, and other places in Yorkshire. In favour of the Landlords' Liability Bill, by Mr. STANLEY, from the Select Vestry of Preston:—And by Mr. SLANEY, from the Parishioners of Sedgeley. For giving Poor-laws to Ireland, by Mr. C. GRANT, from John Lawless. For the abolition of Slavery, by Mr. LITTLETON, from Dissenters at Great Driffield. Against taking Apprentices for a less period than Seven Years, by Mr. FYLER, from the Ribbon-weavers of Coventry. Against allowing Tobacco to be grown in this Country, by the same hon. Member, from the Tobacco Manufacturers of Newcastle-upon-Tyne. For an amendment of the Laws relative to Landlords and Tenants, by the same hon. Member, from the same place Complaining of the Conduct of Sir Edward Barnes, the Governor of Ceylon, by Mr. STEWART, from Mr. Bennett, formerly an Assistant Collector of the Revenue at Ceylon. Against the Sale of Beer Bill, by Mr. CHAPLIN, from the Inhabitants of Sleaford:—By Mr. T. ESTCOURT, from those of Marlborough:—By Mr. J. FANE, from the Publicans of Wallingford:—By Mr. WODEHOUSE, from those of Diss, Grimshoe, and East Derehum:—By Lord EBRINGTON, from the Overseers of the Poor of St. Paul's, Covent Garden:—And by Mr. DICKENSON, from the Inhabitants of Frome Selwood. For the Abolition of the Punishment of Death for Forgery, by Lord EBRINGTON, from the Inhabitants of Tavistock:—By Mr. DICKENSON, from the Inhabitants of South Brent, and of Winscombe:—By Sir T. D. ACLAND, from the Inhabitants of Moreton, Hampstead, and of Collumpton:—And by Mr. BROWNLOW, from the Directors of the Provincial Bank at Belfast. For the abolition of the East India Company's Monopoly, by Lord EBRINGTON, from Tavistock.