HC Deb 11 May 1830 vol 24 cc544-5

Mr. HUME brought in a Bill to abolish all Fees and Stamp Duties chargeable on the renewal of appointments on the Demise of the Crown. The Bankrupt Laws Amendment Bill was read a second time. Mr. O'CONNELL brought in a Bill for the better securing the Charitable Donations and Bequests of Roman Catholics in England and Wales—Read a first time.

Returns ordered. On the Motion of Mr. BYNG, of the Sums received and expended in 1827, 1828, and 1829, by the Commissioners for Watching and Lighting the various Hamlets, and Districts, and Estates in the neighbourhood of St. Pancras:—On the Motion of Mr. J. WOOD, all Fees payable for the renewal of Commissions or Warrants on the Demise of the Crown, specifying to whom the Fees are paid, and to what purposes they are applied:—And on the Motion of Mr. D. W. HARVEY, the number of Informations filed in the Courts of Equity by the Attorney-General at the instances of the Commissioners appointed to inquire concerning Charities in England and Wales, from the 1st of March, 1829, to the latest period; specifying the names of the defendants, the object of each proceeding, the result of each cause terminated, the costs incurred, and by whom, and to whom paid, and the present state of the Causes in progress:—Also, the number of Petitions preferred by the Attorney-General at the instance of the Commissioners:—Also, Detail of those Cases in which inquiry has restored dormant rights, or rectified abuses found to exist, in continuation of the Returns ordered by the House of Commons to be printed on the 1st of May, 1828 [Paper 292], and 22nd of May, 1829 [Paper 270]:—Also, Return, showing what further proceedings have been taken in the several Causes set forth as unsettled, or pending, in the said printed Returns, specifying the result of each cause terminated; the amount of costs subsequently incurred, and by whom, and to whom paid, and the present state of each cause in progress:—The total amount of Money which, since the appointment of the said Commissioners, has been advanced by the Treasury on account of the costs of such proceedings, and the total amount which has been received from parties, or out of the charity funds to reimburse such costs; specifying whether such costs arc taxed, and by whom the disallowed portion of costs is paid, and the total amount of such disallowance:—All Fees or Emoluments received by the Clerks of the Judgment-office, or other Officers of the several Courts of King's Bench, Common Pleas, and Exchequer, at Westminster, for searches for judgments during each of the last seven years, ending 1st January, 1830, setting forth the number of searches made, and total amount paid in each year respectively, by whom received, and in what manner appropriated:—And also, the names of the persons who received such fees, and stating whether any of the official duties are discharged by deputy, their names and emoluments, by whom appointed, and by whom compensated.

Petitions presented. For the abolition of Slavery in the Colonies, by Lord MILTON, from Protestant Dissenters at Halifax, Leeds, Warley, Wakefield, Wortley, Kirby Moorside, Farsley, and at Sheffield. Against the renewal of the Insolvent Debtors Act, by Mr. ROBINSON, from Worcester. Against Suttees, by Mr. EASTHOPE, from Protestant Dissenters at Sheffield. In favour of the Jews Relief Bill, by Lord EDRINGTON, from the Inhabitants of Exeter. For the abolition of the Punishment of Death for Forgery, by Lord MILTON, from the Merchants, Bankers, and Manufacturers of Huddersfield:—By Mr. EASTHOPE, from Protestant Dissenters at Sheffield:—By Lord BRECKNOCK, from Bath:—By Mr. MONCK, from Reading. Against the employment of Children in Spinning Factories, by Mr. HOBHOUSE, from the Inhabitants of Great and Little Bolton, and from those of Oldham:—By Mr. W. SMITH, from the Spinners of Lees. Against the Duties on Coals imported into Ireland, by Mr. S. RICK, from the Manufacturers of St. Michael's and St. John's. Dublin. Against the Duty on Coals carried Coastwise, by Sir T. D. ACLAND, from the Inhabitants of Teignmouth. For a protecting Duty on Foreign Lead, from certain Inhabitants of Tavistock, by Lord EBRINGTON. Against the Poor-law Amendment Bill, by Mr. W. SMITH, from the Guardians of the Poor at Norwich. Complaining of the regulations with respect to Surgeons in Ireland, by Mr. S. RICE, from the Surgeons of Clonmel. Against the Sheriffs' Courts, Scotland, by Lord ALTHORP, from John Denny. For a better distribution of Poor Rates, by the same noble Lord, from the Rate-payers of Kettering. For an inquiry into Corporation Property (Ireland), by the same noble Lord, from Thomas Flanagan. Against the increase of Duty on British Spirits, by Mr. H. DRUMMOND, from the Freeholders of Stirlingshire; and from the Clackmannanshire Agricultural Society. Against the renewal of the East India Company's Charter, by Sir C. HASTINGS, from the Inhabitants of Leicester:—By Lord EBRINGTON, from the Inhabitants of Buckfastleigh and Dean Prior. Against Distillation and the Licensing System, by Mr. If. DAVIES, from Lieut.-General R.P.Clayton:—By Mr. C. FERGUSON, from certain Spirit Dealers in Scotland. For the improvement of the Vagrant Act, by Mr. EGERTON, from certain Justices of Peace in Cheshire. For establishing Poor-laws in Ireland, by Mr. EGERTON, from Hungerford. Against the Duties on Soap, by Mr. HUME, from a Soap Manufacturer at Glasgow, Against Church Patronage in Scotland, by Mr. HUME, from Lis- mahago. In favour of the Beer Bill, by Lord MILTON, from the Inhabitants of Huntingdon. Against the Bill, by Sir W. HEATHCOTE, from the Publicans of Alton and Alresford; and from the Inhabitants of Basingstoke:—By Sir E. KNATCHBULL, from the Publicans of Rochester and Chatham; and Canterbury, Ashford, and Feversham:—By Mr. LITTLETON, from the Publicans of Walsale:—By Colonel DAVIES, from the Publicans of Worcester:—By Mr. FELLOWES, from the Vicar, Churchwardens, and Inhabitants of St. Ives:—By Mr. MONCK, from the Publicans of Wokingham:—By Mr. SANDERSON, from the Magistrates of Colchester, and from the Publicans of Colchester and Harwich:—By Mr. HOBHOUSE, from Householders in St. Giles's and St. George's, Bloomsbury:—By Sir H. VIVIAN, from the Publicans of New Windsor and Eton:—By Mr. W. SMITH, from Publicans at Norwich:—By Mr. F. PALMER, from the Inhabitants of Heading:—By Mr. WARBURTON, from certain Publicans at Bridport:—By Mr. DICKINSON, from Publicans at Wiveliscombe and Milverton, Somersetshire. Against the New Stamp Duties (Ireland), by Sir H. PARNELL, from the Inhabitants of Montmelick:—By Mr. S. RICE, from the Letter-press Printers of Limerick and Clonmel:—By Mr. O'CONNELL, from Cappoquin; and from the Hibernian Joint Stock Banking Company:—By Mr. O'HARA, two Petitions from the Printers; and from the Merchants of Oalway:—By the CHANCELLOR of the EXCHEQUER, from the Inhabitants of Armagh. In favour of the Galway Franchise Bill, by Mr. O'CONNELL, from the Barristers connected with the Town of Galway. For a fair, equitable, and permanent Commutation of Tithes, by Sir T. D. ACLAND, from the Freeholders of the County of Devon assembled at a County Meeting. For a repeal of the Parish Vestry Act (Ireland), by Mr. O'CONNELL, from Cork, Kilmahon, New Ross, and the united Parishes of Kilmore, Kiltark, Tomhaggard, and Molranean. Against the Tithe Composition Act, by the same hon. Member, from Aglis, New Ross, Treshford, Lisdowny, and Bally-eagget. Against the Sub-letting Act, by the same hon. Member, from New Ross. Against the new Duty on Tobacco, by the same hon. Member, from Thomas Brodyar, of Pilltown. For Relief under Distress, by Mr. DAVIDSON, from Cromarty. For a Reform of Parliament, by Lord MILTON, from 11,000 persons at Leeds. By the same noble Lord, from Rotheram, for a reduction of Taxation. Against the Deserted Children (Ireland) Bill, by Colonel ROCHFORD, from the Inhabitants of Mullingar.