§ The House, at its rising, was adjourned till Monday. A Hill was brought in to alter and amend the Laws relative to the removal of Scotch and Irish Poor.
§ Returns presented. The Sums of Money paid during each of the last three years into each of the Masters of Chancery's Office, for the Sales of Estates, and the amount of Money received by them and their Clerks:—Fourth Report of the Commissioners of Metropolis Roads:—Duty paid on Hoots and Shoes imported:—Number of Surcharges under the Assessed Taxes Acts:—Quantity of Butter and Cheese imported:—Of British Wool exported:—Of Corn Spirits and um which paid Duty:—Of Grain, Malt, and Flour exerted from Ireland to England or Scotland:—Sums received from the several Stamp Duties in 1829:—Copies of Memorials submitted to the Treasury by the Corn Distillers of Ireland, Scotland, and England:—Of Communications on the subject of the Shubenacadic Canal:—Hemp, Flax, Linen, and Machinery exported:—Rum imported:—Expenditure on account of Diplomatic and Consular Establishments in the New States of South America:—Expenses incurred and Reports presented by all the Commissions of Inquiry, &c. issued in 1829.
§ Returns ordered. On the Motion of Sir J. NEWPORT, the Sums of Money paid into the Exchequer during the last five years on account of the Duty on Probates of Wills, and the Legacy Duty: on account of the Duty on Newspapers and Advertisements; and on account of the Duties on Powers of Attorney. On the Motion of Lord STANLEY, the number of Persons committed for Forgery during the last ten years, specifying the nature of the crime, and how the Criminal was disposed of.
§ Petitions presented. By Mr. DUNCOMBE, from the Woolmanufacturers and other Inhabitants of a place in Yorkshire, against the employment of Machinery. By the same Gentleman, from the Inhabitants of Fulstone, praying that the Assizes for the West Riding of Yorkshire might be held at Wakefield:—And by Lord MILTON, 446 several Petitions with the same prayer. By Sir R. PHILLIPS, from the Inhabitants and from the Grand Jury of Haverfordwest, against the Welsh Judicature Bill:—By Mr. DAVENPORT, from Chester and Nantwich, to the same effect:—By Mr. EGERTON, from the Justices of Peace in Cheshire:—And by Lord BELGRAVE, from the Burgesses of Chester, to the same effect. By Mr. P. THOMSON, from the Chamber of Commerce, Manchester, in favour of a repeal of the Usury Laws. By Mr. R. DUNDAS, from the Lord Provost and Magistrates of Edinburgh against the Stamp Duty upon Surgeons' Diplomas. For making a New Road from Waterloo Bridge to the North Side of the Metropolis, by Mr. C.PALLMER, from the Inhabitants of St. John's, Lambeth:—And by Mr. WARD, from the Inhabitants of St. Giles's, Bloomsbury. Against any additional Duty on Spirits, by Lord J. HAY, from the Noblemen, Freeholders, &c. of Haddington:—And by Sir W. ROWLEY, from the Fanners frequenting Sudbury Market. For the Abolition of the Punishment of Death for Forgery by Mr. E. D. DAVENPORT from Shaftesbury:—By Mr. FANR, from those of Henley-upon-Thames:—By Mr. DENISON, from the Gentry and Clergy of Godalming:—By Lord MILTON, from the Inhabitants of Doncaster and of Guisborough; and from a Congregation of Baptists at Hayworth. For the Abolition of Slavery, by the same Noble Lord, from Protestant Dissenters at Great Ourseburn and Green Hamerton; of Howard-street Chapel, and Lee Croft Chapel, Sheffield; of Albion Chapel, Leeds; from Idle and Eccleshall; from the Inhabitants of Burnsall; and from the Students in Acredale Independent College. In favour of the Court of Session (Scotland) Bill, by Mr. MAXWELL from the Noblemen, Freeholders, &c. of Renfrew; and from the faculty of Procurators at Paisley. Against the use of Climbing Boys, by Lord MILTON, from the Corporation of Cutlers, Hallamshire; and from the Inhabitants of Sheffield. Against the Renewal of the East India Company's Charter, by Mr. MAXWELL, from the Noblemen and Freeholders of Renfrew:—By Lord Viscount MILTON, from the Inhabitants of Otley and of Thorne; from the Corporation of Cutlers, Hallamshire: and from the Merchants and Manufacturers of Saddle-worth:—By Sir R. FERGUSON, from the Burgesses of Kinghoro:—And by Sir M. S. STEWART, from the Inhabitants of Cardiff. Against the Sale of Beer Bill, by Mr. M'KINNON, from the Publicans of Ipswich:—By Mr. P. THOMSON, from the Publicans of Margate:—By Mr. E. DAVENPORT, from the Retail Brewers of Manchester and Salford; and from those of Bury and Rochdale:—By Colonel WILSON, from the Brewers and Proprietors of Public-houses in York:—By Lord BELGEAVE, from the Magistrates and other Inhabitants of Chester:—By Colonel LYGON, from the Magistrates of Dudley:—By Mr. DEXISON, from the Vicar and Magistrates of Godalming:—By Mr. H. BATLEY, from the Clergy and Magistrates of Beverly:—By Mr. DICK, from the Clergy and Inhabitants of Maldon:—By Mr. LAWLKY, from the Inhabitants of Warwick:—By Mr. BLACKBURNE, from the Publicans of Warrington:—By Lord MILTON, from the Publicans of Wakefeld:—By Sir W. ROWLEY, from the Publicans of Woodbridge, of Beecles, and of Lowestoft:—By Sir M. W. RIDLEY, from the Licensed Victuallers of Newcastle-upon-Tyne, and Gateshcad:—And by Mr. F.CLINTON, from the Inhabitants of East Retford. In favour of the Liability of Landlords' Bill, by Mr. W. DUNCOMBE, from the Select Vestry of Dcncaster:—By Lord BELGRAVE, from the Householders of Chester; and from the Guardians of the Poor of the same City:—By Lord MILTON, from the Churchwardens and Overseers of Halifax:—By Sir T. ACLAND, from East Teignmouth; and from the Guardians of the Poor at West Teignmouth; and from the Overseers of Bishopsteignton:—And by Mr. C. PALLMSR, from the Inhabitants of Camberwell and Peekham. And for the Repeal of the Malt and Beer Duties, by Mr. VANS, from the Owners and Occupiers of Land in Chipping Norton:—And by Mr. CURTEIS, from the Inhabitants of Battle; the Inhabitants of the Rape of Hastings; of Pease Marsh; and of Rye.