HC Deb 30 March 1830 vol 23 cc1052-3

Mr. FRANKLAND LEWIS brought in a Bill to consolidate the Laws relating to the pay of the Royal Navy. Read a first time.

The Fever Hospitals (Ireland) Bill was read a second time on the Motion of Lord FRANCIS LEVESON GOWER.

Returns laid on the Table. Accounts of all sums received by the Corporation of the Trinity House from the Thames Pilots, with their names:—Account of the Fee Fund of the Court of Session (Scotland). The number of persons charged with Criminal Offences, pursuant to an Address of March 29th.

Returns ordered. On the Motion of Mr. F. LEWIS, an account of the Imports and Exports of Wool, since the passing of the Act allowing such Exports:—of the number of packs of Playing Cards charged with duty in 1827 and 1829:—On the Motion of Mr. HOLDSWORTH, of the quantity of Coals carried Coastwise into the several Counties of England and Wales distinguishing the quantity imported into each County; and the amount of Duty for 1829; also the amount of Drawbacks, if any paid for Coals consumed in the Mines:—On the Motion of Mr. MANNING, an Account of the Nett Amount of the Duties of Customs on Merchandise of all kinds imported since January 5th, 1820, distinguishing the Amount of each year; of the gross Amount of Duties of Customs charged on Sugar imported from the Mauritius and the West Indies for the same period, with the Amount of Drawback, also the Nett Amount of the same Duties for the same period:—On the Motion of Sir CHARLES WETHERELL, of the Number of Causes set down on the Lord Chancellor's Paper and remaining unheard, specifying the time of setting them down; also the same on the Vice-Chancellor's Paper, and on the Master of the Rolls' Paper.

Petitions Presented. Against the Renewal of the East India Company's Charter:—By Mr. DOUNIE, from Guild of Merchants, Stirling:—By Mr. LITTLETON, from Lane End and Lane Delph:—And by Mr. ADAM STAY from Linlithgow:—By Mr. ARCHIBALD CAMPBELL, from the Inhabitants of the Gorbals. For the abolition of the Practice of Women burning themselves in Hindostan—By General GASCOYNE, from various Congregations of Protestant Dissenters in Liverpool. For an Amelioration of the Criminal Code—By Mr. LITTLETON, from West Bromwich—By Mr. FYLER, from Coventry:—by Mr. LEGGE, from Banbury,:—By Mr. MUNDY, from the Merchants and Bankers of the town of Derby. For a Duty on the Importation of Foreign Lead—by Mr. WILLIAM DUNCOMBE, from the Proprietors of Lead Mines in Nedderdale. For the Repeal of the Duty on Tobacco, by Lord F. OSBORNE, from JOSEPH Cox. By Mr. LITTLETON, from Tipton, against the Truck System. Against throwing open the Trade in Beer—By Mr. LITTLETON, from the Licensed Victuallers of the Staffordshire Potteries:—By Sir CHARLES HASTINGS, from the Licensed Victuallers of Leicester:—By Mr. FYLER, from the Licensed Victuallers of Coventry. This Petition was signed by 200 Publicans, only seven of whom were under the control of Brewers:—By Mr. MALCOLM, from the Publicans' of Boston; and by Mr. BENETT from the Licensed Victuallers of Trowbridge.