§ Lord KILLEEN look the Oaths and his Seal as Member for the County of Meath, in Ireland. WILLIAM BLAIR, Esq. look the Oaths and his Seat as Member for Ayrshire. Lord FRANCIS LEVESON GOWER brought in a Bill to confirm certain Leases of Lands for the purpose of carrying on the Linen Manufacture in Ireland.—Read a first time. The ATTORNEY GENERAL brought in a Bill "for the more effectual Administration of Justice in England and Wales," which was read a first time, and ordered to be read a second time on the 27th of April. The Smugglers' Families Maintenance Bill was read a third time and passed. The Indemnity Bill went through a Committee.
§ Returns ordered. On the motion of Mr. HUME, of the number of Vessels which passed through the Sound in the years 1827, 1828, and 1529, distinguishing their respective Nations, being a continuation of former Returns up to the year 1827; of the number of Officers on Full and Half-pay of the Army in each year, from 1826 to the 5th of January, 1830, distinguishing the Rank of each Officer; of the number of those who were admitted into the Army, and appointed to the Military College, Specifying whether by Purchase or otherwise, in each year, from 1821 to the 5th of January, 1830; of the Expense of the Military College during the same period; of the number of Commissions vacant by Deaths, Removals, or Resignations between January '25th, 1828, and January 30th, 1830; of the number of first Commissions appointed to in the same period, distinguishing whether with or without Purchase; of the number of Commissions since March 31st, 1828; of the number of retired Officers of the Royal Artillery and Royal Marines, who were allowed to sell out since 1825, specifying the Names and Ranks of the Parties; an Account of Officers holding Brevet Rank; an Account of Money received from the Sale of retired Full-pay and Half-pay Commissions, with other Military Accounts, being a continuation of some already presented to the House. On the Motion of Mr. WODEHOUSE, Accounts received at the Foreign-office, from the Consuls Abroad relative to the Price of Com in the year 1828.