HC Deb 22 March 1830 vol 23 c695
Mr. Hume

in moving for a copy of the Treasury Minute respecting the retired allowances of the officers engaged in the late lottery establishments, stated, that he understood there were five individuals receiving an income of 1,473l. for life, being 375l. each; and that even the messenger, according to a document already laid before the House, had 28l. a year. It was the more to be objected to as those persons each held, at present, offices under the Crown. In the existing state of the Dead Weight, it was important that information should be laid before Parliament of every case similar to that, by which it would be seen whether or not the Government were pursuing its promised system of economy. The return he meant to move for would shew the services of Wm. Duere Adams, and the other persons to whom the Minute of December 8th, 1829, granted retired allowances, and whether the persons who enjoyed those allowances held any situation under the Crown. The Return ordered.