HC Deb 22 March 1830 vol 23 c708
The Chancellor of the Exchequer

, in answer to a question from Sir John Newport, as to the intentions of his Majesty's Government to impose a duty on Tobacco in Ireland, said, that he had, on a former evening, stated that it was the intention of Government to place a duty on Tobacco grown in Ireland; and he had hoped that the bill on the subject would have been before the House at the present time; but delay had been occasioned in arranging the necessary details. He could assure the hon. Member that the parties interested were perfectly aware of the intention of Government to lay a duty on Irish Tobacco; for it had been expressed in a previous Session, when a bill for that purpose before the House was withdrawn. Since then, several applications had been made to Government to ascertain what it intended to do on the subject, and they had received for answer that it was the intention of Government to impose a duty on Irish Tobacco.