§ Lord ELLEN BOROUGH'S Divorce Bill was, on the Motion of Sir G. CLERK, read a first time. The Indemnity Hill was read a second time.
§ Returns presented;—Of the parishes in Ireland which have entered into an agreement under the Tythe Composition Act:—The rate of pay and allowances to Officers and Men in the Navy; and in the Civil Service of the Navy since 1792:—The number of Masters and Surgeons of the Navy in each year since 1826; and copies of the correspondence between the Irish Government and the Officers of certain Charitable Establishments in Ireland, with reference to the Irish Estimates for 1829.
§ Returns Ordered;—On the Motion of Mr. O'CONNELL, of the Fees received by the Commissioners of Bankrupts during the last three years, with sundry Accounts connected therewith:—On the Motion of Mr. WODEHOUSE, of all the Flour, Coal, Culm, with an account of all the vessels that have entered the Port of South Wold annually, during the last twenty years—And on the Motion of Mr. SPRING KICK, of all Spirits in the possession of the Distillers of the United Kingdom, on March 13th, 1830.
§ Petitions presented;—Complaining of Distress, by Mr. WM. DUNCOMBE, from the inhabitants of the neighbourhood of Holderness. Praying for a Legislative Measure to check Horse Stealing, by Mr. BRANSRY COOPER, from Gloucester. By Lord ALTHORP, from the parish of Wellingborough, in Northamptonshirc, against Capital Punishments.