HC Deb 18 March 1830 vol 23 cc545-6
Mr. Jephson

would take occasion to advert to certain official documents from Ireland, which he had formerly moved for, but, as it seemed, without effect. He alluded to the memorial of the Grand Jury of Cork to the Lord Lieutenant, relative to the postponement of trials in that county, together with the viceregal answer thereto. The return which was laid before the House, in compliance with his motion, consisted of a simple statement from Mr. Gregory, and dated from the Civil Office, at the Castle, in Dublin, that there was not the least trace of any such memorial having been received at the Castle. As he (Mr. Jephson) had stated that a memorial of that nature was transmitted, he found himself placed in rather a disagreeable situation. There could be no doubt that such a memorial was forwarded, and he wished to know from the noble Lord how it happened that a copy could not be laid before the House?

Lord F. L. Gower

supposed that some accident had befallen the memorial on its way to the Castle, but he had no means of elucidating the subject any further, having been absent at the time when it was alleged to have been presented.

Mr. O'Connell

observed, that the postponement of these trials had cost Government an expense of 3,000l., nor did he believe that the slightest blame could attach to the Crown counsel. He hoped, however, that his hon. friend, the Member for Mallow, would not suffer the matter to rest as it at present stood.

Mr. King

said, that he, as Foreman of the Grand Jury, had forwarded the memorial on the day of the assize, accompanied by a letter, and he knew that both the letter and memorial were put into the post-office; and he did not know why a special commission had been granted, unless it was in consequence of that letter.

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