HC Deb 18 March 1830 vol 23 cc540-1

Returns presented—Of the period at which the Cork Foundling Hospital was first established, and statements relative thereto:—Copies of Memorials to the Irish Government on the subject of advances to build the Court House at Kerry. Of Memorials to the Commissioners of Customs relative to the office of Coal Meters, Dublin. The expenditure of the Commissioners of Public Records in 1829, and Works published. The number of Letters, from the Solicitor to the Board of Taxes to persons in i arrear in 1829, and charges thereon. Writs or Processes issued by the Solicitor. Letter from Mr. Abbot, dated Nov. 27, 1829, with the observations of Messrs. Brooks-bank and Bcltz. A Scale of Stamp Duties on Bills of Exchange. Accounts of the Notes of Country Bankers; Notes stamped; and of the Bankers who have commuted for the Stamp Duty since 1826. Accounts relative to the Penitentiary at Milbank; and to the Irish Tontine Annuity office. Accounts of the Corn, Meal, and Flour imported from Ireland during the last two years. Copies of the informations and judgment against Mr. Alexander, the Editor of the Morning Journal. The gross receipt of the tolls of vessels passing the Light Houses of Winterton, Orfordness, Dungeness, North and South Foreland, and of Hunston Cliff, with the expense of maintaining the Light Houses. The number of Contracts now existing for supplying the Naval service. The Second Report of the Minutes of Evidence taken before the Committee on East India Affairs. A copy of the Commission issued for inquiring into the state of Ecclesiastical Courts in England and Wales.

An Address was ordered to be presented to his Majesty, for a copy of the 18th and 19th Reports on the Public Records of Ireland.

Returns ordered—On the Motion of the Marquis of BLANDFORD, of the number of Persons entitled to vote at Election of Members of Parliament for Ireland:—On the Motion of Mr. SYKES, of the amount of Tonnage entered Inwards and cleared Outwards in Ireland since 1823:—On the Motion of Mr. WOLRYCHE WHITMORE, of the total quantities of Hides, Skins, Malt, Coffee, Tea, Paper, Printed Goods, British and Irish Spirits and Tobacco, charged with Excise Duties in each year since 1818:—Of the number of Gallons of Spirits imported from Scotland into England since 1827; with the number of Excise Officers employed on the Borders, and the Expense, as well at an Account of the quantity of Spirits seized.

Petitions were presented—praying for a Free Trade to China—by Sir R. FEROUSON from the Magistrates, and Town-Council of Kirkaldy; and from the Chamber of Commerce of Kirkaldy:—By the Earl of BELFAST, from the Merchants of Belfast. Praying for a Repeal of the Vestry Act, Ireland, by Lord BINGHAM, from the parishes of Kilcomen and Robin. Praying for the Repeal of the Subletting act, by Mr. O'CONNELL, from three parishes in Ireland. Praying for a Reform in Parliament, by the Marquis of BLANDFORD, from Garboldsham (Norfolk). Against the proposed Alteration in the Licensing System, by Mr. PELL, from the Licensed Victuallers of Cheltenham. Praying for a Repeal of the Malt Duties by Mr. EDWARD DAVENPORT:—By Mr. POTTER MACQUEEN, from the Freeholders of Bedford; and complaining of Distress, and praying Relief, by Admiral SOTHERON, from Southwell.

The Indemnity Bill was brought in and read a First time; as was a Bill to Repeal certain Inoperative Statutes in Ireland.