§ Petitions were presented praying against the Return of the Member for Rye:—for the reduction of the duties on Malt and Beer:—for an alteration in the Tythe Laws:—against the renewal of the East India Company's Charter:—complaining of Distress; and praying for relief. The Mutiny Bill was read a third time. A bill was ordered 226 to be brought in to enable the officers of the Ordnance to sue by their official names.
§ Returns were ordered, on the Motion of Sir JOHN NEWPORT, of the names and places of residence of the nominees in the Irish Tontines:—on the motion of Mr. HUME, of number of Midshipmen promoted to be Lieutenants in the Navy between Jan. 1st. 1827, and Jan. 1st. 1830; of the number of Lieutenants promoted to be Commanders during the same period; of the number of Commanders promoted to be Post Captains during the same period: of the whole number of officers in the Royal Navy during the same period, distinguishing those serving afloat; of the number of persons who have received first commissions in the Marines during the same period; of the number of officers on full and half pay, and of the number who have been brought from half pay to full pay, or allowed to dispose of their commissions; of the number of Pursers in the Royal Navy during the same period; and the number of Clerks promoted to be Pursers; of the number of Masters; and of the number of Surgeons, with an account of the Surgeons mates promoted:—of the total number of officers and clerks employed in the Commissariat Establishment since 1822:—and of the number of Distributors of stamps and the rate of per centage allowed them in the United Kingdom;—on the motion of Mr. O. DAWSON, of the quantity of Com, Meat and Flour, exported from Ireland to Great Britain between Jan. 5, l828 and Jan. 5 1830:—on the motion of Mr. Moore of the amount of the Excise duties on leather in Ireland and the convictions for offences against the acts composing those dutiess incc 1821:—of the persons summoned to serve on Grand Juries in Dublin since 1823.
§ Returns were presented of the sums of money expended for the Relief of the Poor in each county of England and Wales, in 1828–1829.