HC Deb 08 March 1830 vol 22 c1343

By Mr. SADLER, that he would, on the 30th of March, move a Resolution on the Laws of Libel, and by Mr. C. CALVERT, that he would, on April 6th, move to refer the petition, of the tobacco manufacturers of London and Southwark to a select Committee.

RETURNS were ordered, on the motion of Mr. HUME, of the number of contracts now existing for supplying his Majesty's Dock-yards, the number of the contractors, &c., and the sums for the Ordnance and Army; of the number and strength of the Military Guards mounted within the Bills of Mortality, on January 1, 1829, and January 1, 1850; of the manner in which the 6,500l. expended on the Milbank Penitentiary for 1850 was to be appropriated; of the number of clerks admitted for the first time into any, and all of the civil establishments of the State, Customs, Excise, Stamp, and Post Offices excepted, since 1822; the duties of their appointments, the amount of salary granted to each, with an account of the number of clerks and officers superannuated since 1822;—On the motion of Mr. ATTWOOD, of the Scale of Stamp Duties on Bills of Exchange in England, from January 5, 1828, to December 51, 1829. Shewing the number of stamps of each class issued per quarter, with an account of the number of country bankers' notes stamped in Great Britain in each quarter, between 1827 and 1829 inclusive; of the number of Banks which have commuted for the stamp duty since 1826; of the amount of duty paid by them on promissory notes, payable on demand, and on bills of Exchange; on the motion of Sir H. PARNELL, a copy of Mr. ABBOTT'S Letter to the Treasury, dated Nov. 27th, 1829, with the observations thereupon, by Messrs. Brooksbank and Belby, dated Dec. 18th, 1829; of a copy of the accounts laid before the Committee appointed in 1828, to inquire into the Public Income, &c. relative to the collection and expenditure of the Revenue; on the motion of Mr. M. FITZGERALD, of copies of the Memorials presented to the Irish Government, praying for advances to build a Court House at Kerry; on the motion of Sir THOMAS FREEMANTLE, of an abstract of the expenditure for the relief of the poor; and on the motion of Mr. BULLER, of the number of persons declared Bankrupts from January 1825 to January 1830; and of the number of persons declaring themselves insolvent during the same period.

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