HC Deb 04 March 1830 vol 22 c1292
Lord Palmerston

said, that as the debate on the motion of the hon. Member for Waterford had lasted so long, and as another important question was about to be agitated, he would postpone his intended motion, although he was desirous, for reasons which must be obvious to all, to bring it on with as little delay as possible. He hoped he should be able to make his motion on Tuesday next. His only reason for doubting it arose from the circumstance that a motion of great importance, by an hon. and learned friend of his near him, stood for that day; and would probably give rise to a long discussion. He would, however, put it to his hon. friend, if another day might not equally suit his purpose?

Mr. Wilmot Horton

expressed his readiness to oblige his noble friend, but could not consent to postpone his motion.