HC Deb 03 March 1830 vol 22 c1238

Sir T. BARING presented the Report of the City of Cork Election Committee, stating that Mr. G. CALLAGHAN was not duly elected; that the last election was consequently void; that the Petition against it was not frivolous or vexatious: and also that the opposition was not frivolous or vexatious.—A new writ was ordered to issue for Cork, in the room of Mr. G. CALLAGHAN, on the motion of Sir T.BARING.—The Ecclesiastical Leases Bill was read a second time.—The Contempt in Equity Bill, the Lunatics' Property Bill, and the Liability of Real Property Bill, were read a third time.—Lord LOWTHER gave notice for Monday of a motion for leave to bring in a Bill, to remove the Market for Hay and Straw from its present situation in the Parish of St. Martin-in-the-fields.—Mr. DAWSON brought in the Transfer of Aids Bill, and the Exchequer Bills Bill for 1830: both read a first time.—Returns were laid on the table of the pay and allowances of the Royal Marines; of the quantity of Corn, Meal, and Flour, imported both from foreign parts and from Ireland, both in British and in foreign ships; of the sums received and paid by the Commissioners of the National Debt on account of Savings Banks; of the average sale at which Stock had been purchased for the redemption of the National Debt; of the money received from the sale of Life Annuities; of all foreign Lead, and Lead Ore imported; of the Salaries of Receivers General of Taxes; and of all additions made to the National Debt.—Returns were ordered of all the Coals imported into Dublin during every year since 1821; of all the Suits commenced in the Courts at Westminster during the years 1825 to 1829 inclusive; of all private and public Meetings before Commissioners of Bankrupts between January 1828 and January 1850.