HC Deb 01 March 1830 vol 22 c1062

Mr. PLANTA moved for a new writ for the borough of Gatton, in the room of the hon. William Scott, who had accepted the Chiltern Hundreds—Sir R. HURON gave notice for Wednesday of a Motion for copies of the warrants by which the hon. ROBERT DUNDAS was appointed a Commissioner of the Navy, and the hon. W. L. BATHURST, a Commissioner of the Victualling Boards—Colonel SIRTHORP postponed his Motion for the repeal of the Standing Orders relative to the non-admission of strangers to the gallery of the House of Commons, (as far as regards the reporters of proceedings in the House, and for the accommodation of the same,) from the 3rd to the 12th of March. An Address was ordered to be presented to his Majesty, for a return of the number of Pro-bates of Wills and Letters of Administration granted in the principality of Wales during the last five years: also for a return of the number of suits in Equity commenced in the principality of Wales for the last ten years.—An Address was also ordered to be presented to his Majesty for a copy of the 21st Report of the Commissioners to in-quire into the public revenue arising in Ireland.—On the Motion of Mr. G. DAWSON, the Consolidated Fund Bill was read a third time and passed.—Mr. S. RICE gave notice of his intention to move for leave to bring in a Bill to remove certain civil disabilities still existing against Roman Catholics in the Corporation of Gal way—Mr. O'CONNELL postponed his notice of Motion respecting the Law of Libel, from to-morrow, to the 29th of April.