HC Deb 27 February 1830 vol 22 cc1058-9

MINUTES.] The HON. GEORGE WELD CECIL, FORESTER took the Oaths and his Seat for the Borough of Wenlock. —MR. WONTNER presented an account of the number of persons who had been committed to Newgate by the Commissioners of Bankrupts, from 1825 to the present time, specifying the names of the Commissioners who had signed the warrants.—The SPEAKER acquainted the House, that he had caused a catalogue of the books in the library to be prepared for the use of the Members. The right hon. Gentleman also informed the House, that in conformity with the recommendation of the Committee on Parliamentary Papers which sat in 1825, he had caused a classification of printed reports, &c. together with proper tables to be prepared.—On the Motion of the LORD ADVOCATE, both were ordered to be printed.—The Report of the Consolidated Fund Bill was brought up. The Amendments were agreed to, and the Bill ordered to be read a third time on Monday.