HC Deb 26 February 1830 vol 22 c1011
Mr. C. Pallmer

called the attention of the House to a Petition which he considered to be of considerable importance to the health and comfort of the inhabitants of this great metropolis. It came from certain individuals living on the south side of the river Thames, in the county of Surrey. The petition stated that they applied on behalf of the inhabitants of nearly 70,000 houses, and that if time had permitted, there would have been 100,000 signatures to the petition. The petitioners stated, that they were many of them master bakers by trade, and that they were supplied by no other water than that pumped out of the River Thames, which was of the most impure and inferior quality, and particularly ill-adapted for the purpose of making wholesome and palatable bread,—that the water was disgusting to the eye, nauseous to the taste, and injurious to the health. They had entertained hopes from what passed in that House in the year 1827, that something would have been done to remedy the evil complained of; and they prayed that relief might be speedily afforded to them. He trusted that the hon. Baronet, the Member for Westminster (who had taken this important public interest under his able protection) would not neglect it, and that the Secretary of State for the Home Department would consider the subject as eminently entitled to his earliest and most serious attention.