HC Deb 26 February 1830 vol 22 cc1009-10
Mr. O'Connell

moved for a return of the number of Inquests and Commissions which had been summoned under the Act for the Improvement of the city of Dublin for the last ten years; also, for a return of the number and names of the persons who had sat as Jurors on such Inquests, and of the amount of the sums which had been paid to them.

The Chancellor of the Exchequer

said, he had no objection to these Returns being granted, except on the score of the expense of printing the names of these persons,—an expense which he thought ought not to be incurred, unless the hon. Member first made out a case of probable benefit.

Mr. O'Connell

said, that in the first place he had not moved that the names should be printed, nor would he, without assigning a sufficient reason. In the next place, the expense would not be very great, for he apprehended that the names would not be found to be very multitudinous. He was informed that the same twelve persons had sat upon all these inquests; that the twelve guineas for each inquest had always gone to the same twelve individuals. The House, he supposed, would think it right that Jurors should give their verdict uninfluenced by the apprehension that if they gave a verdict disagreeable to the Commissioners, they would not be summoned again.