The Chancellor of the Exchequermoved the order of the day for the House resolving itself into a Committee of the whole House to consider the expediency of granting a further Supply to his Majesty.
§ Mr. Hume, after stating that he was one of those who had voted against granting any further Supply to his Majesty until Ministers had given some pledge that the distressed state of the country should be taken into consideration, and promised to come forward with some information on the subject, declared that since the Chancellor of the Exchequer had stated that he would give that information on Friday, he (Mr. Hume) did not feel himself obliged to oppose the present Motion.
§ The House then resolved itself into a Committee of Supply.
§ 2,500.000l. were then granted for the service of his Majesty, to discharge the like amount of Supplies granted in the years from 1824 to 1829 inclusive; 25,438,800l. were next granted to discharge the amount of such outstanding Exchequer Bills issued in the years 1829 and 1830, as remained unprovided for 168,800l. were next granted for the discharge of Exchequer Bills issued to defray the expense of public works, fisheries, and additional churches.
§ The House resumed, and the Report was brought up. Adjourned.