HC Deb 16 February 1830 vol 22 c568
Mr. Powell Buxton

moved, that an Address be presented to his Majesty for Copies or Extracts of all correspondence which may have taken place between his Majesty's Government and Foreign Powers, relating to the Slave Trade, since 1st of January 1829, and not already laid before this House: of all correspondence between his Majesty's Government and the British Commissioners of the mixed Commission Courts at Sierra Leone, the Havannah, Rio de Janeiro, and Surinam, relative to the Slave Trade, since 1st of January 1828, and not already laid before this House: of all correspondence which may have taken place between the Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty and the Naval Officers stationed on the Coast of Africa, at the Cape of Good Hope, or elsewhere, relative to the Slave Trade, since 1st of January 1828, and not already laid before this House: and of all correspondence touching the Slave Trade received from the Governors of Sierra Leone, and other British Possessions on the Coast of Africa, and from the Governors of the Mauritius and the Cape of Good Hope, since 1st of January 1828, and not already laid before this House.