HC Deb 18 December 1830 vol 1 cc1337-8
The Marquis of Blandford

said, he understood a petition had been presented from Liverpool, praying- the House to inquire into the acts of bribery alleged to have taken place at the late election there; and he took that opportunity to give notice, that after the holidays, should that petition not be taken into consideration, as he understood it was to be, he should submit a motion to the House, which would afford the hon. candidates, and still more hon. electors, an opportunity of clearing their characters from the imputations which had been extensively circulated with respect to them. On the other hand, should those charges prove well-founded, the House would have an opportunity thus afforded it, of considering whether or not it would be desirable to punish the offending parties, by disfranchising a borough in which such flagrant acts of bribery and corruption had been committed.

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