HC Deb 15 December 1830 vol 1 cc1184-5
Sir John Newport

rose to move "that an humble Address be presented for a copy of the grant of a pension on the Irish Civil List, to Charles Hooper and P. Martin, and their representatives, specifying the term for which it was granted, and the conditions, if any, thereunto annexed, as also the names of the persons to whom it is now payable." The circumstances connected with this pension, were these:—It was granted so far back as the year 1756, for what he knew not; but it was granted, with this condition, that it should be continued annually until the sum of 2,000l. should be paid to the party at one payment. The payments had been continued up to the present time; out of what notion of economy he was at a loss to guess. It was paying for all that time, an interest of 10l. per cent on 2,000l., which might be easily obtained at present at three-and-a-half per cent. But the Irish Civil List had always been remarkable for its extravagance. As one instance, he might mention a case which occurred in the time of the Irish Parliament. The name of George Charles appeared for a long time on the List as a pensioner to the amount of 1,200l. a-year, but no person knew who this George Charles was. At last a return was moved for, setting forth who the party receiving the sum was, and on what account it was granted; and from that return it appeared that George Charles was the Count de Veri, the Sardinian Ambassador, to whom the pension had been granted for some real or supposed services performed to this country in the negotiations connected with the Treaty of Paris. No doubt many other similar cases might be mentioned.

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