HC Deb 15 December 1830 vol 1 c1183

A New Writ was ordered for Plympton Earle, in the room of Viscount VALLETORT, who had accepted the Chiltern Hundreds.

Bills. Mr. HUGHES HUGHES obtained leave to bring in a Bill, to amend the Building Acts. The Patents Continuation Bill went through a Committee. The Witnesses Examination Bill, the Interpleaders Bill, the Prohibition and Mandamus Bill, and the Arbitration Bill, were all read a second time. The Lords' Amendments to the Administration of Justice Amendment Bill were agreed to.

Returns ordered. On the Motion of Mr. MACAULEY, various Reports and Correspondence relative to the treatment of Slaves:—On the Motion of Mr. ELLICE, the Imports and Exports of Ireland:—On the Motion of Lord NUGENT, accounts of Cotton and Deal imported, and Ships mortgaged, belonging to the Port of London.

Petitions presented. For the abolition of Slavery, by Mr. EWART, three from Protestant Dissenters of Liverpool and its neighbourhood:—By Sir G. HEATHCOTE, four from various places in Rutlandshire:—By Mr. R. GRANT, eight from various places in Scotland:—By Mr. ADEANE, from a place in Cambridge:—By Sir A. CHICHESTER, from Belfast, praying for compensation:—By Lord BOYLE, four from Cork:—By Sir W. INGILBY, from Welbourn:—By Sir R. INGLIS, from a place in the East Riding of York:—By Mr. BURTON, from Beverley:— By Mr. MACAULEY, 200 from certain Dissenting Congregations in Somersetshire:—By Mr. BRISCOE, from several places in Surrey:—By Lord J. RUSSELL, from Dissenters in Bedfordshire. By the same noble Lord, from Tavistock, for the extension of the Franchise, and for Vote by Ballot:—By Mr. JOHNSTONE, from Inverkeithing, and another Burgh in Scotland. For the repeal of the Assessed Taxes, by Sir G. ROBINSON, from Northampton: —By Mr. BARTON, from Beverley;—By Mr. I. LEIGH LEIGH, from Wells. By Mr. ADEANE, from Wisbeach, praying that the Provisions of the Local Courts Bill might be extended to Cambridge and the Isle of Ely. For the extension of the Elective Franchise to the Catholics of Galway, by Mr. BLUNT, from a Parish of Galway: —By Sir J. BOURKE, four from Protestants and Catholics of Galway. By Sir W. INGILBY, from a place in Lincoln, for a repeal of the Duty on Insurances; from Spilsby, with a similar prayer; and from Spalding, against the Tax on Coals.