HC Deb 30 April 1830 vol 24 c294

Returns presented. The number of Meetings under Commissions of Bankruptey.

Petitions presented. In favour of the Sale of Beer Bill, by Mr. DENISON, from the Retail Brewers of Surrey. Against that Bill, by Mr. BRAMSTON, from the Licensed Victuallers of Dunmow:—By Mr. EGERTON, from the Licensed Victuallers of Northwich:—By Sir K. KNATCHBULL, from Ashford, Milton, and Hamsgate:—And by Mr. BELL., from the Brewers and Publicans of Shields. Against the Punishment of Death for Forgery, by Mr. BRAMSTON, from the Inhabitants of Saffron Walden; and the Magistrates, Clergy, and Inhabitants of Braintree and Bocking:—And by Lord GRANVILLLE SOMERSET, from Newport, Monmouthshire. Against levying a higher rate of Duty on Hum than on Corn Spirits, by the Marquis of CHANDOS, from the West-India Merchants and Planters. Against levying a higher Duty on Corn Spirits, by Sir E. KNATCHBULL., from the Farmers frequenting Bristol Corn Market. For an increased Duty on Foreign Flour, by Mr. BRAMSTON, from a number of individuals engaged in the Manufacture of Flour in Essex. And for an increased Duty on Foreign Lead, by Mr. BELL, from the Mining Districts of Derwent.