HC Deb 28 April 1830 vol 24 cc125-6
Sir J. Newport

complained of the non-performance of the promise of the Chancellor of the Exchequer, viz. that an amended Schedule of the comparative Taxation of Great Britain and Ireland should be produced, and put into the hands of Members. It was hard to call upon the House to enter upon the discussion of the subject without having had the documents necessary to its elucidation. He complained also that in the Consolidation Bill, additional Taxes had been introduced, of which no notice or explanation had been given; and he considered the conduct of the Minister highly culpable in that respect.

Mr. Herries

, in the absence of his right hon. friend, explained the difficulties under which he had laboured on the subject; and expressed his persuasion that the paper in question would be presented as soon as possible.

Sir J. Newport

repeated his statement with respect to the introduction of additional Taxes into the Consolidation Bill; and declared his conviction, that as to the intended Taxes, they would have the effect of decreasing instead of increasing the Revenue. Ho never knew a Consolidation Bill introduced which did not, like this, augment the burthens of the people.

The Chancellor of the Exchequer

[having now entered the House,] stated the reasons which had retarded the explanation for which the hon. Baronet was desirous. There appeared to be such a general anxiety before the holidays to see the Schedule of Duties, that he had moved for leave to bring in a bill, in order that it might be printed without making any remarks, deferring the explanatory statements until after the recess, when he expressed his intention of moving its re-committal for that purpose. That no statement had been made, arose entirely from his wish to satisfy the demands of the House; and the right hon. Baronet had done him injustice if he had attributed to him any wish to lake the House by surprise.

Dr. Phillimore

objected to the introduction into the bill of an indirect Taxation on law proceedings. He urged the speedy production of the Schedule.

Mr. Hume

concurred with his hon. friends, that many increases of Taxation had been made in various departments, of which no notice had been given. The Chancellor of the Exchequer had mentioned an increase of 110,000l. on Stamps in Ireland, and had stated that the increase was confined to Ireland; it now however turned out, as he understood, that an increase was also to take place in England and Scotland. He hoped there would be no longer delay in furnishing explanations on the subject.

The Chancellor of the Exchequer

expressed his desire to give all the information that could be required.

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