§ Returns presented. Number of Commissioners belonging to the London Bankrupt List:—Fees of Conveyancing and general Law Business (Scotland):—The Nineteenth Report of the Commissioners of Judicial Inquiry (Ireland):—The Expenditure of the Consular and Diplomatic Establishments in the New States of America:—An Abstract of the Reports concerning Pauper Lunatics from the different Counties of England and Wales.
§ Returns ordered. On the Motion of Sir JOHN NEWPORT, of any Money advanced by the Commissioners of First Fruits for the Purchase of the Rent reserved on the Glebe Land of Balymaglassan (County of Meath) in 1818:—Also, of Money advanced by the said Commissioners for the Erection of a Glebe House at the same place, specifying the time, &c.
§ Petitions presented. For the Abolition of the Punishment of Death in cases of Forgery—By Mr. WALROND from the Clergy and others of Sudbury:—By Mr. Alderman THOMPSON, from the Congregation of York-street, Wal-worth:—By Sir ROWLAND HILL, from the Clergy, Gentry, and other Inhabitants of Madely, Salop:—By Lord JOHN RUSSELL, from Newton, in the County of Bedford:—By Mr. R. PALMER, from the Mayor, Alder-men, and Burgesses of Maidenhead:—By Mr. DICKENSON, from the Inhabitants of Bath. Against any Alteration in the Welsh Judicature, by Sir JOHN OWEN, from the Inhabitants of Castle Martin; and from the Grand Jury of Cardigan:—By Sir W. W. WYNN, from the Grand Jurors of the County of Pembroke; and from the Freeholders of the County of Denbigh:—By Mr. PRYSE, from the Burgesses of Cardigan:—By Mr. HUGH OWEN, from the Burgesses of Pembroke:—And by Mr. RICE TREVOR, from the Inhabitants of Carmarthen. Against the Parish Matching and Lighting Bill, by Mr. BRIGHT, from the Commissioners of Paving (Bristol):—And by Mr. H. BATLEY, from the Commissioners for Improving and Paving St. Pancras (Middlesex). Against the additional Duty on Corn Spirits, by Colonel LYGON, from the People frequenting Worcester Market. Complaining of the Expense of Passing Vagrants, by Colonel LYGON, from S. Smith, Esq. Chairman of a Meeting of Justices in the County of Worcester. By Mr. W. SMITH, from the Inhabitants of Wick, praying for a continuance of the Bounties on curing Fish. Against a Free Trade in Beer, by Mr. MARSHALL, from the Licensed Victuallers of Sheffield:—By Mr. BERNAL, from Leamington.—By Mr. TYNTE, from the Licensed Victuallers of Bridgewater:—By Lord GEORGE LENNOX, from Chiehcster:—By Mr. MILDMAN, from the Licensed Victuallers of Winchester.
§ [The petitioners declared that it was impossible to get rid of the stock of Beer brewed for winter consumption, as well as the Beer brewed for summer consumption, within the time allowed by the Chancellor of the Exchequer.