HC Deb 26 April 1830 vol 24 c33

Henry Charles Sturt, Esq. Member for Dorchester, Henry Hope, Esq. for East Looe, Lord George Beresford for the County of Waterford, George Bankes, Esq. for Corfe Castle, and Daniel Callaghan, Esq. for the City of Cork, took the Oaths and their Seats. The Navy Pay Regulation and Consolidation Bill, the Leather Duties Repeal Bill, the Marriages Validity Bill, and the Malt Duties Bill, were read a second time. A Bill was brought in to Repeal the 55 Geo. III. c. 49, for procuring the Return of Persons Committed, Tried, and Convicted of Criminal Offences—the object of the Repeal Bill being to simplify the mode of making these Returns.

Returns laid on the Table. Average Price of Timber at each of the Royal Forests not supplied to the Dock Yards, and of Bark. The Number of original Causes, Pleas, and Demurrers, exceptions and further directions set down for hearing before the Lord Chancellor, the Vice-Chancellor, and the Master of the Rolls. Exchequer Bills held by the Bank of England; Copy of its Contract with the City of London for a Loan to complete London Bridge; and dis- tributions amongst the Proprietors of it, in addition to the ordinary Dividend. Dates of the Entry into the Navy of Robert Crosbie, James Hope, and Hugh Goold; of their Promotion to be Lieutenants; and the length of their Services. Various Accounts relative to Trade, to the Crown Lands, and Exchequer Information's:—By Mr. Secretary PEEL, Account of the Diplomatic and Consular Expenses.

Returns ordered. On the Motion of Mr. BROUGHAM, of the Number of Causes in the Court of Chancery standing for hearing when the Great Seal was in Commission, from June, 1791, to February, 1792, and the Number of Causes decided by the Commissioners:—On the Motion of Mr. WM. O'BRIEN, of the Number of Persons who have Emigrated from the United Kingdom to any of the Colonies of Great Britain in each Year since 1820, distinguishing the Colonies, and the Sexes and Ages of the Emigrants:—On the Motion of Lord F. L. GOWER, the Nineteenth Report of the Commissioners to inquire into the Temporal and Ecclesiastical Courts (Ireland).

Petitions Presented, By Mr. MUNDY, from the Inhabitants of Derby, against Protestants in the Service of the Crown being compelled to attend the idolatrous Services of the Roman Catholic and Greek Church. Praying for the Abolition of the Punishment of Death in Cases of Forgery, by Mr. CRIPPS, from the Inhabitants of Circneester:—By Mr. HART DAVIS, from the Inhabitants of Axbridge:—By Lord ALTHORP, from Kettering, Northamptonshire:—By Mr. WARD, from the Ward of Bishopsgatc:—By Lord JOHN RUSSELL, from the Inhabitants of Bluntisham-cum-Earith, Huntingdonshire:—By Mr. HEATHCOTE, from Boston, Lincolnshire:—