§ Mr. Sadler, in presenting a Petition from the Licensed Victuallers of Sutton in Ash field cum Stuck wall under Huthwait, and other places against the proposed alteration of the Licensing System observed, that the subject was of great importance, both as affecting a large body of respectable tradesmen, who, shaping their operations by the existing law had invested considerable capitals in their business, and the public at large. He was opposed to the contemplated alteration because he thought, whatever evils might result from the present system, they were susceptible of being remedied without inflicting an injury on a large class of industrious men. The alteration proposed would, if carried into effect, instantly deteriorate the property of all Licensed Victuallers, many of whom had paid large sums for their business, while many of them had made that business by many years of uninterrupted labour, and un intermitted care. The petitioners also say, which in his opinion was well worthy of the attention of the House, that under the present mode of granting licenses, the magistrates exercise a salutary control over this class of tradesmen, and over the management of their houses and business, which is in the highest degree useful to the public. Its moral advantages were great, and they would be entirely thrown away if every man, on the payment of a trifling sum of money, be entitled to a license as a matter of course. He felt grateful, and was anxious to express his gratitude to the Chancellor of the Exchequer for the remission of taxation already granted, but he begged leave to suggest to him that it would be far better to repeal the Malt than the Beer duties, which encourage domestic 4 consumption, and the home-brewing of the cottager. He earnestly called the attention of the Chancellor of the Exchequer to this subject, and hoped that right hon. Gentleman would not think it too late to revise his contemplated alterations respecting the Licensing System and the Duty on Beer.
§ Petition to be printed.