§ The Fever Hospitals (Ireland) Bill was read a third time and passed. The East Retford Witnesses Indemnity Bill was read a second time.
§ Returns laid on the Table. Number of Bankrupt Petitions set down for hearing before the LORD CHANCELLOR and before the VICE CHANCELLOR and unheard on the 30th of March last. Report from the Commissioners of Woods and Forests to the Treasury relative to Dean Forest.
§ Returns Ordered. On the Motion of Mr. BONHAM CARTER, of the money expended by the Victualling Office since June 1827, for buildings at Weevil; the expense of removing the Victualling establishment from Portsmouth to Weevil; the sums for which the old premises at Portsmouth have been let or sold, and of the number of persons reduced in consequence of the removal of the establishment:—On the Motion of Mr. HUSKISSON, the Amount of Exchequer Bills now held by the Bank of England; for a Copy of the contract for any Loan for the Completion of London Bridge; an Account of all Distributions by the Bank of England among the Proprietors of Bank Stock since 1797; and of the whole of the Dividends paid on increased Capital since 1816:—On the Motion of Mr. ALEXANDER DAWSON of the expense incurred by the Ballast Office Corporation, in erecting a patent slip at the North Wall, Dublin; with the number of vessels repaired thereon;—On the Motion of Mr. POULETT THOMSON, of the average quantities of various articles, such as Silk, Wool, Flax Hemp, &c. imported from January 5,1783, to January 5,1830, in periods of three years; of the amount of Stamp Duties received on Policies of Insurance, Fire and Marine, on an average of the years ending 1783, 1793, 1815 and 1830; of the British and foreign tonnage entered inwards at the same periods:—On the Motion of Mr. WARBURTON, an humble address was ordered to be presented to his Majesty, praying that his Majesty would be graciously pleased to direct our Consuls at St. Petersburg to furnish all the information they might be able to obtain respecting the amount of precious metals raised in Russia from 1820 to the present time;—On the Motion of Mr. BRIGHT, the sums received in 1829 on each article contained in the various Schedules to the Stamp Acts:—On the Motion of the CHANCELLOR of the EXCHEQUER, a Copy of the condition on which Lands are granted in the North American Colonies, and Colonies of New South Wales and Van Diemen's Land.
§ Petitions presented. Against a Free Trade in Beer;—by Mr. HUSKISSON, from the Licensed Victuallers of Liverpool;—By Mr. H. BATLEY, from the Licensed Victuallers of Beverley. Against the renewal of the East 1339 India Company's Charter, by Mr. HENRY SRYMOUR, from the inhabitants of Taunton:—By Mr. SPRING KICE, from Ayr; and from the clothing district of Horbury, of Checkhealion, Birstall, Bramley and Morley. For a Repeal of the clause of Act 31 George 3rd, which interferes with the Medical Profession in Ireland, by Mr. SPRING RICE from the Apothecaries of Bandon. For the Poor Laws Amendment Bill, by Mr. C. PALIMER, from the Select Vestry of Richmond, Surrey. For a Revision of the Criminal Code by Mr. WILLIAM SMITH, from the Congregation of Unitarians at South-place Finsbury-square: by the same hon. Gentleman, from certain Manufacturers of Sweets or British Wine, complaining of the effects of the present system of Licences, and praying for its revision. For a remission of Taxation by the Marquis of BLANDFORD, from the inhabitants of Saint Leonard's Shoreditch;—By Mr. SPRING RICK, from the weavers of Limerick. For an investigation into the Election Laws of Ireland, by Colonel O'GRADY, from VALENTINE BLAKE, Esq. against the duty on Coals, by Mr. SPRING RICE, from the parish of Saint Andrew's, Dublin.