§ A Bill was brought in by Mr. DAWSON to repeal the Duties on Leather. The East Retford Witnesses' Bill, on the Motion of Mr. DAWSON, was read a first time. The Marriages Validity Bill, on the Motion of Mr. COURTENAY, was also read a first time.
§ Returns laid on the Table. Of the number of Public Meetings held in London by the Commissioners of Bankrupts. Of Imports and Exports between 1798 and 1830. Of the number of Ships that have passed the Sound. Of Cotton Goods exported, and of Printed Cotton which paid Duly from 1814 to 1830. The Report of the Minutes of Evidence taken before the East India Committee up to April 5th.
§ Returns ordered. On the Motion of Mr. HART DAVIS, of all Probates of Wills and Letters of Administration issued in Wales. On the Motion of Mr. HUME, the Amount of Cess levied in each Royal Burgh of Scotland:—The Dates of the Promotion and Entry into the Navy of Robert Crosbic, James Hope, and Hugh Goold, stating also the length of their services afloat:—Of Persons receiving Compensation Allowances for the loss of Office until otherwise provided for. On the Motion of Mr. HOBHOUSE—Of all Exchequer Writs issued by the Solicitor of Stamps against Persons dealing in Drugs, from June 21st, 1829; of the further proceedings in those Writs; of the Sums paid as Fines in consequence of the Prosecutions under them, and of the manner in which it was appropriated; as well of Prosecutions which have been dropped. On the Motion of Sir JAMBS GRAHAM—An Address to his Majesty for the English Consuls to obtain and transmit home information of the Quantity of the precious Metals obtained in South America from 1790 to 1810, and from 1810 to the present time. On the Motion of Lord TULLAMORE, several Communications between the Chief Secretary for Ireland, the Irish Loan Commissioners, and the Directors of the Grand Canal Company, relative to an advance of Money for extending their Navigation to Kilbeggan:—Of the Sums advanced out of the Consolidated Fund on the recommendation of the Irish Loan Commissioners, with the nature of the Securities taken for the payment of the Principal and Interest of the Loan. On the Motion of Mr. BELL, the number of Ships and Vessels belonging to the British Empire, exclusive of the Colonies, specifying and distinguishing the number under 50, 100, 200, 300, 100, 500, 800, 1200, and above 1200 tons respectively, and of the Number of Steam Vessels. On the Motion of Mr. SPENCE, various Accounts relative to the Money paid into Chancery. On the Motion of Sir M. W. RIDLEY, of the Duty received, and Drawback paid on Class, from January 1828 to 1830, distinguishing the sorts of Glass and amount of Duty paid in Ireland;—And on the Motion of Sir MICHAEL. SHAW STEWART, a Table of the Fees of Conveyancing and General Law Business adopted by the Writers to the Signet (Scotland).
§ Petitions presented. For a Free-trade to India—By Mr. CW. WYNNE, from Woodhouse, Yorkshire:—By Mr. HUME, from the Magistrates and Town Council of Arbroath:—By Mr. MUNDY, from the Inhabitants of Derby and the Inhabitants of Swanwick:—By Lord LOWTHER, from Armley:—By Mr. ARCHBALD CAMPBELL, from the Shipowners of Dundee, and from the Chamber of Commerce of Glasgow:—By Mr. BLAIR, from the Incorporated Trades of Kilmarnock. For the Abolition of the Cornlaws, by Mr. HUME, from the Inhabitants of Kidderminster. For the holding of the Assizes for the West Riding of the County of York at Wakefield, from the Inhabitants of Shepley and of Farnley Tyas, by Mr. Wm. DUNCOMBE. Against throwing open the retail Beer Trade, from the Publicans of Newark, by Mr. WILLOUGHBY:—By Mr. STANLEY, from the Inhabitants of Middleton:—By Mr. BRANSBY COOPER, from the Innkeepers of Gloucester, 1267 For the Abolition of Tithes, by Mr. CAREW, from Tacumshane, and oilier Places in the County of Wexford. For protection against the Importation of Foreign Lead, by Mr. MUNDY, from the Owners of Lead Mines in the County of Derby. For a Repeal of the Duties on Coals carried Coastwise, by Mr. ARCHIBALD CAMPBELL, from the Coal-owners on the River Dec. For a Repeal of the Vestry Act (Ireland),by Lord KILLKEN, from the Inhabitants of Arbroath. Praying for Relief, from the Ship-owners of North Shields, Blyth, and Hartley, by Mr. LIDDEL.; And from South Shields, by Mr. BULL. For the extension of the Two-penny Post, by Mr. ALEXANDER DAWSON, from John Wheel of the Edgwareroad. Praying for an Allowance for Duly paid on Beer in band when the Duty ceases, by Mr. STANLEY, from the Brewers of Manchester and Salford. For the mitigation of the severity of the Criminal Code, by Mr. C. F. PALMER, from Maidenhead:—By Mr. HOBHOUSE, from Mr. Alan Newland:—And by Mr. STANLEY, from the Inhabitants of Warrington.