HC Deb 02 April 1830 vol 23 cc1208-9

The Four-per-cent Annuity Bill was read a Second lime, on the Motion of Mr. G. DAMSON, A Hill to Amend the Constabulary Act, (Ireland), was brought in by Lord F. L. GOWER, and read a first time. The Minutes of the evidence taken before the Committee on East India Affairs, up to April 1st were laid on the Table by Mr. COURTENAY.

Returns laid on the Table. The Monies Demanded and Allowed to the High Sheriff of every County in England, ending Michaelmas, 1828:—Of Hops Imported and Exported during the last year: Of Excise and Customs' Duties collected in each district of Ireland, during the last ten years:—Of Timber Imported during the last four years:—Of the number of Quarters of Malt charged with duty, and amount of Duty on Beer, during the last ten years:—Of the quantity of. Spirits charged with Duties, and imported into England from Scotland and Ireland, in the last ten years:—Of Amount of the Duties collected on Leather in Ireland:—Of the Amount of Excise Duties on Paper in Ireland, with the Expense of Collecting them:—Of the Amount of Duties received by each Collector of Excise, throughout the United Kingdom, and of Payments made by each, and of money remitted by each to London:—Of Duties Collected on Coals imported into Dublin from January 1822 to January 1830:—Of Sums paid into the Stamp Office for Duty on Fire Insurances, and on Marine Policies:—Of the Tonnage of Vessels entered into and cleared out of all the Ports of Ireland in the last seven years:—Of the quantity of Spirits imported from Scotland by land:—Of Papers relating to the office of Coal Meter (Dublin):—Account of the Trade of Southwold for the last twenty years:—Of the number of Midshipmen promoted to be Lieutenants, of Lieutenants to be Commanders, and of Commanders to be Post Captains, between January 1827, and January 1830:—Of Gentlemen appointed to first Commissions, and of promotions in the Marines for the same period:—Of Officers holding Brevet Rank in the Marines, and of those who have sold their full or retired pay:—And Account of the Pilot Fund of the Corporation of the Trinity House.

Returns Ordered. On the Motion of Mr. SPRING RICK, An Account of the Number, Distribution, and Expense of the Constabulary Force in Ireland, during the last three years:—On the Motion of Mr. HUME, of the Duties performed by the Barons of Exchequer, (Scotland) in relation to the Public Property |and Hereditary Revenue of the Crown; and a Copy of the Memorial presented by JOHN DENNSON, Master of the Patriot, of Aberdeen, to the Lords of the Treasury, praying for a return of 63l. charged as Duty on Brandy, used on board his Vessel by the Sick, on her voyage from Jamaica.

Petitions Presented. For an Amelioration of the Criminal Code, by Sir RICHARD VYVYAN, from the Merchants, Bankers, and other Inhabitants of Truro:—By General GASCOIONE from the inhabitants of Hoddesdon. Against Suttees, by Mr. LITTLETON, from several Congregations of Dissenters in different places in Staffordshire. Against the renewal of the East India Company's Charter. By the same Hon. Member, from Drighlington, for the Emancipation of the Jews:—By Mr. BONHAM CARTER, from the Jews of Portsmouth:—By the Marquis of BLANDFORD, from the Jews of Rochester and Chatham. For the repeal of the House and window Tax by Mr. W. DUNCOMBE, from Whitby. Against the use of Power Looms, by the same Hon Member, from the Artizans of Morley.